Latticework 2025

In 2025 members will come together at the Yale Club of NYC for the eighth Latticework. The summit has been lauded as a uniquely impactful forum of great minds from the MOI Global community.

Speakers have included Charles de Vaulx, Tom Gayner, Peter Keefe, Bryan Lawrence, Howard Marks, Michael Mauboussin, Mohnish Pabrai, Tom Russo, Guy Spier, Murray Stahl, Will Thorndike, Christopher Tsai, Arnold Van Den Berg, and Ed Wachenheim.

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Latticework Highlights:

Christopher Tsai and Peter C. Keefe on Long-Term Outperformance

Christopher Tsai, President and CIO of Tsai Capital Corporation, led a conversation with Peter C. Keefe, Principal Manager of Avenir.

Phil Ordway and Michael Mauboussin on the Art of Intelligent Investing

Phil Ordway led a conversation with Michael Mauboussin, Head of Consilient Research at Counterpoint Global, Morgan Stanley.

Elliot Turner and Mario Cibelli on Investing and Activism in Small-Caps

Elliot Turner, Managing Partner and CIO of RGAIA, led a conversation with Mario Cibelli, Managing Partner of Marathon Partners.

Will Thomson and Adam Lundin on Mining and the Lundin Group

Will Thomson, Managing Partner of Massif Capital, led a conversation with Adam Lundin, Chairman of Lundin Mining Corporation.

Ian Clark on Private Equity-Style Investing in the Power Sector

Ian Clark, Managing Member of Dichotomy Capital and CEO of Dichotomy Power, joined the MOI Global community at Latticework 2022.

Tom Russo on Investing in Businesses With a Capacity to Suffer

Thomas A. Russo, Managing Member of Gardner Russo & Quinn, joined the MOI Global community at Latticework New York 2022.

MOI Global