ISS: Facility Management Services Leader With Customer Behavior Moat

October 20, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, European Investing Summit 2023 Featured, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Markus Matuszek of M17 Capital Management presented his investment thesis on ISS A/S (Denmark: ISS) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Markus Matuszek is an investor and entrepreneur. He is the founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of M17 Capital Management, who invests into long/short value positions as well as private opportunities, biased towards European ideas. His group also acquires ownership positions in companies and seeks to maximise their long-term potential by working with management and other shareholders. It invests its own capital and works with a select group of co-investors. Markus aims for controlling positions yet is flexible in holding periods and transaction structures. His focus is to invest in stable companies which are undergoing change and he does not shy away from distressed situations or structural dislocations, provided the risks are acceptable and he believes in a company’s long-term value creation potential.

Prior to M17, Markus ran asset management and advisory firm Hermes Capital Management as well as he was a managing partner at hedge fund Gabelli & Partners. He has been investing in listed securities, private companies and real estate over 20 years with a solid track record. Earlier in his career, Markus was a senior advisor / interim manager with extensive advisory and hands-on work in strategy, restructuring, organizational change, corporate finance/M&A and risk management in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the US. He started his professional career with McKinsey & Company. His education includes a M.A. in finance, accounting and controlling from the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), a master degree from CEMS and dual MBAs from Columbia Business School and London Business School (with honors). Furthermore, he studied at the Warsaw School of Economics and University of Geneva and received several merit-based fellows and scholarships. He is also a CFA charterholder and a long-term jury member for the CFA Institute’s Research Challenge in Switzerland as well as for EMEA.

Savencia: Well-Managed French Cheese and Dairy Leader at Discount

October 20, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Brian Chingono of Verdad presented his investment thesis on European equities and Savencia (France: SAVE) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Brian Chingono worked at Dimensional Fund Advisors and Credit Suisse before joining Verdad. Brian earned an AB from Harvard College and an MBA with honors from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. As a graduate student, Brian co-authored two research papers related to Verdad’s investment strategy: Leveraged Small Value Equities and Forecasting Debt Paydown Among Leveraged Equities.

SolidWorld: Fast-Growing Italian 3D Digital Systems Integrator

October 19, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts

Massimo Fuggetta of Bayes Investments presented his investment thesis on SolidWorld Group (Italy: S3D) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Massimo Fuggetta is the founder, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Bayes Investments. He started his investment management career in 1988 at JP Morgan Investment Management in London, where he rose to become Head of the Global Balanced Group, with responsibility for international balanced portfolios. In 1999 he left JPMIM to become Chief Investment Officer, Director General and then CEO at Sanpaolo IMI Asset Management in Milan. He left the company in 2001 to start Horatius, an investment advisory company incorporated in 2004, which in 2007 became an asset management company. He left Horatius in 2012 to go back to London, where in 2014 he founded Bayes Investments. Massimo holds a Doctorate (DPhil, 1991) and Master’s Degree (MPhil, 1987) in Economics from the University of Oxford (Trinity College). He graduated in Economics at LUISS, Rome in 1984. He taught Behavioural Finance in the Master in Economics course at Bocconi University in Milan in 2000-2002 and in the same period served in the Editorial Board of the Financial Analysts Journal. In 2012 Massimo started the Bayes blog at, which has acquired popularity in the Value Investing community.

Stellantis: Deeply Undervalued, Well-Financed, Well-Managed Auto OEM

October 19, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Adam Crocker of Logbook Investments presented his investment thesis on Stellantis (Italy: STLAM, US: STLA) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Adam Crocker, CFA is Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Logbook Investments, a value fund with core positions based on insights from books. Logbook launched in 2016 and is seeded by his former employer. Prior to Logbook, Adam was a co-manager at Metropolitan Capital Advisors, a long/short equity fund founded in 1992. Before joining Metropolitan, he was an analyst at Morgan Stanley Investment Management conducting research on behalf of growth and value investment teams. He began his career in Leveraged Finance investment banking at JPMorgan. Adam is a 2005 graduate of the Value Investing Program at Columbia Business School and has an undergraduate degree in Economics from Columbia University.

Eurofins: Fast-Growing, Best-in-Class, Family-Owned Lab Operator

October 19, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, European Investing Summit 2023 Featured, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Independent wealth manager Samuel Weber presented his investment thesis on Eurofins Scientific (France: ERF) at European Investing Summit 2023.

Samuel also updated his investment theses on four ideas he had presented at previous editions of European Investing Summit. Samuel commented on Deutsche Bank (Germany: DBK, US: DB), Lanxess (Germany: LXS), Swatch Group (Switzerland: UHR), and Holcim (Switzerland: HOLN).

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About the instructor:

Samuel S. Weber is an independent wealth manager based in Zug, Switzerland. He is a value investor, who is focused on generating long-term, market beating returns by investing in high-quality opportunities in the stock market ( Samuel holds a master’s degree in strategy and international management from the University of St. Gallen and is a member of the Board of Trustees of HBM Fondation.

Focus: Game Publisher Successfully Pursuing Vertical Integration

October 18, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Jeremie Couix of HC Capital Advisors presented his investment thesis on Focus Entertainment (France: ALFOC) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Jeremie Couix is a co-founder and managing director of HC Capital Advisors based in Germany. Prior to co-founding HC Capital, he worked at Discover Capital as an investment analyst and later as co-portfolio advisor of the fund Squad Growth. Previously, he worked at FORUM Family Office, a value-oriented investment manager based in Munich. Jeremie graduated from EM Lyon Business School in France with an MSc in Management.

Hollywood Bowl, Ten Entertainment: Attractive Bowling Center Operators

October 18, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, European Investing Summit 2023 Featured, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

José Antonio Larraz of Equam Capital presented his investment theses on Hollywood Bowl Group (UK: BOWL) and Ten Entertainment Group (UK: TEG) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

José Antonio Larraz is a founding partner of Equam Capital. Jose has 15 years of experience as a partner in Capital Alianza Private Equity, investing in Spanish private companies in the middle market. He has investment experience in chemical, food, retail, outsourcing and telecommunications sectors, having participated in the board of directors of six different companies. Jose has 4 years of experience in financial advisory, corporate finance and M&A at Lehman Brothers in London and New York and He is a Professor at Instituto de Empresa since 2008. Jose holds a degree in Law and Business Administration from ICADE University and MBA from Insead.

Stellantis: Well-Managed Automaker With Strong FCF and Balance Sheet

October 18, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, European Investing Summit 2023 Featured, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Daniel Gladiš of Vltava Fund presented his investment thesis on Stellantis (Italy: STLAM, US: STLA) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Daniel Gladiš, based in the Czech Republic, has amassed a market-beating track record since starting VLTAVA Fund in 2004. VLTAVA Fund is a value-oriented, research-driven investment fund focused on investing in good companies run by quality management. Previously, Daniel was Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABN AMRO Asset Management (Czech) from 1999–2004. He was also Director and founder of Atlantik finanční trhy, a.s., a member of the Prague Stock Exchange. Daniel is a graduate of VUT Brno and has authored the best-selling books Naučte se investovat (Learn to Invest) and Akciové investice (Stock Investments).

Teleperformance: Founder-Led, Growing Customer Service Provider

October 18, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, European Investing Summit 2023 Featured, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Alejandro Estebaranz of True Value presented his investment thesis on Teleperformance (France: TEP) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Alejandro Estebaranz has served as the CIO True Value fund (ISIN: ES0180792006) since its inception. True Value, based in Spain, is a long-only equity fund founded in 2014. It focuses on underfollowed small- and mid-cap public companies, seeking good businesses with good management teams. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering and a degree in industrial engineering.

Swatch: Family-Controlled Luxury Watch Leader With Strong Brands

October 18, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Jean-Pascal Rolandez of The L.T. Funds presented his investment thesis on Swatch Group (Switzerland: UHR) at European Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Jean-Pascal Rolandez is the manager of The L.T. Funds, a Geneva-based investment firm focused on a buy and hold strategy based on a limited number of European stocks with a 5+ year investment horizon. Jean-Pascal has more than 25 years of equity investment experience and has founded the first investment club at the leading French business school ESSEC. Prior to establishing The L.T. Funds, Jean-Pascal held various executive positions at BNP Paribas for 22 years, including as Paribas’ French equity strategist.

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