Adam J. Schwartz of Black Bear Value Partners shared his perspective during a Q&A session at our special event, Intelligent Investing in Crisis Mode 2020.

Adam talked about the factors that led him to reverse his airlines position shortly before the stocks crashed in earnest. He also provided an update on his credit short thesis, which he had presented at Best Ideas 2019. Finally, we talked about clear thinking, remaining calm in the current environment, and surrounding oneself (virtually) with rational and independent thinkers.

Listen to this session (recorded on March 17, 2020):

audio recording

About the instructor:

Black Bear Value Partners is managed by Adam J. Schwartz who has 16 years of buy-side investment experience in a variety of themes including equities, structured products, corporate credit and capital structure arbitrage. Prior to founding the Investment Manager, Adam served as a Director and senior member of the investment team at Fir Tree Partners, a $13BB peak-AUM multi-strategy investment manager (2007-2015). Prior to joining Fir Tree, Adam was an Investment Analyst at LibertyView Capital Management, a multi-strategy investment fund within Lehman Brothers, as well as at Kore Advisors, an investment fund seeded by Paloma Partners. Adam received his BS and MS with a concentration in Accounting from Washington University in St. Louis.

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