Brad Hathaway of Far View Capital Management shared his perspective in a Q&A session at our special event, Intelligent Investing in Crisis Mode 2020.

Brad talked about the virtues of preparation, both in terms of studying companies and communicating with clients prior to a crisis. Accordingly to Brad, it is extremely difficult to get up to speed on new companies in the middle of a crisis because of the psychological pressures involved. Similarly, when a crisis hits, it is too late to educate clients on the virtues of a long-term outlook.

Brad discussed his investment theses on Naked Wines (UK: WINE) and Tobii (Sweden: TOBII). Brad had shared his in-depth investment thesis on Tobii at European Investing Summit 2019.

Replay this session (recorded on March 20, 2020):

audio recording

About the instructor:

Brad Hathaway is the Managing Partner of Far View Capital Management. Before founding Far View Capital Management in 2011, Mr. Hathaway worked for four years at J. Goldman & Company, a New York City-based hedge fund. At J. Goldman, Mr. Hathaway worked as an analyst and a portfolio manager on the firm’s value team. His role there included sourcing and analyzing investment opportunities and managing a portfolio comprised of global securities from multiple asset classes with a focus on US publicly-traded equities. Prior to J. Goldman, Mr. Hathaway worked for three years as an analyst at Tocqueville Asset Management where he discovered and researched global long and short equity investments for the International Value mutual fund and the Global Partners hedge fund. Mr. Hathaway graduated with a B.A. in Political Science from Yale University.

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