Max Hu presented his in-depth investment thesis on (China: CTRP) at Asian Investing Summit 2017. Max Hu also commented extensively on the macro and political backdrop for value investing in China.

CTRIP.COM (China: CTRP) just transformed into a Chinese monopoly OTA (Online Travel Agency) business, after its surprising but successful acquisition of its two leading competitors, and in 2016 and 2015. Ctrip now holds more than 70% market share in China’s OTA business. The new market position will allow the firm to expand operating margin from currently below 10% to 20% within next two years, on track to match Priceline’s 30% operating margin in the long term. Revenue and earnings are projected to grow at a rate between 40% to 50% within next five years. The shares recently traded on a 2018 forward P/E multiple of 28, not cheap. Max suggests considering the puttable convertible bonds with a floor of 100, recently trading at 116. The convertible bonds provide similar upside as the common stock but with better downside protection.

About the instructor:

Max serves as portfolio manager at Tyee Capital Group, a leading asset management platform with offices across Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Previously, Max was the founder and portfolio manager of Tempus Capital Limited, a Hong Kong based investment firm. Max’s investment approach is contrarian, value-driven and focused. His investments have been focused on easy to understand, wide-moat businesses with solid long-term growth prospects. He has worked at Deutsche Asset Management and is a CFA Charterholder. Max graduated from Tsinghua University in China, with a degree in physics and mathematics. He has done PhD research in Financial Economics at ETH Zurich and holds a Masters’ degree from University Heidelberg.

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