We had the pleasure of speaking with W.D. (Daniel) Vasquez, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of W.D.Vasquez & Co., about his path in investing, how he invests at W.D.Vasquez & Co. and how he allocates institutional capital. Daniel serves as a public pension Trustee and Vice Chairperson for the Marin County Employees’ Retirement System (MCERA), where he has fiduciary duty over $3.4 billion in assets under management.

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About the interviewee:

Daniel Vasquez is a business economist and investor. He is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for W.D.Vasquez & Co. He is a public pension Trustee and Vice Chairperson for the Marin County Employees’ Retirement System (MCERA), where he has fiduciary duty over $3.4 billion in assets under management. He is also a Board Director and chairs the investment committee at MarinHealth Medical Center, a leading health care provider in the San Francisco bay area.

As an investor, Mr. Vasquez learned his trade at JP Morgan & Co., Morgan Stanley, and Hamilton Lane Advisors (private equity & venture capital). As a Harvard economist, he apprenticed directly under Professor Michael Porter in corporate strategy and economic competitiveness while at Harvard Business School’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness. He started in the economics profession as an analyst in the Economics Department of The Conference Board, where he maintained the Consumer Confidence Index and Leading Economic Indicators.

As Vice-President and Portfolio Manager at private equity asset manager Hamilton Lane Advisers – now Hamilton Lane, Inc., (NASDAQ:HLNE) – he helped deploy $500 million in private equity capital to private companies in under-served market locations throughout California for the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS) – the State of California public pension plan and largest US-based private investor ($450 billion in private assets as of Dec. 2023).

He studied under three Nobel prize-winning economists (Gary Becker, Ronald Coase, and Robert Fogel) at the University of Chicago, where he earned his Masters in economic policy as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. He is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and Oxford University (Pembroke College).

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