Jeff Auxier Shares His Thoughts on Value Investing and Becton Dickinson

January 17, 2025 in Audio, Best Ideas 2025, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts

Jeff Auxier of Auxier Asset Management shared his thoughts on value investing and discussed his thesis on Becton Dickinson (US: BDX) at Best Ideas 2025.

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About the instructor:

Jeff Auxier began lessons in finance early–at age 11, mowing the lawn of Robert Pamplin Senior the former long-time CEO of Georgia Pacific and recipient of the “World’s Top CEO Award”. Mr. Pamplin tutored Jeff on living a life of ethics. As Jeff puts it, “Mr. Pamplin always put his shareholders first and believed business should be transparent. He said the language of business is accounting, and that if you can’t speak the language, you can’t make money.” In 1981, Jeff graduated with honors from the University of Oregon with a degree in Finance and an emphasis on accounting. Immediately, Jeff began calling or personally meeting with some of his investment heroes, long before they became today’s financial rock stars. Names like Warren Buffett. Not yet known as the Oracle of Omaha, Mr. Buffett graciously took several of Jeff’s calls and offered advice, most notably, “Number one don’t lose your principal and number two, never violate the first rule.” To this day, the cornerstone of the Auxier Focus Fund is respect for the power of compounding.

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