Lifco: Sweden-Based, Family-Owned Acquirer with Good Capital Allocation

November 5, 2024 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit, European Investing Summit 2024, European Investing Summit 2024 Featured, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Pieter Hundersmarck of Castra presented his investment thesis on Lifco (Sweden: LIFCO-B) at European Investing Summit 2024.

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About the instructor:

Pieter Hundersmarck is the Chief Investment Officer of Castra, a family office based in Amsterdam. Pieter has been investing internationally for over 15 years and has broad experience across asset classes in developed and emerging markets. Prior to Castra, Pieter worked at Flagship Asset Management, one of South Africa’s most awarded boutique asset managers. Prior to that he worked at Coronation Fund Managers for 10 years, and also co-managed a global equities boutique at Old Mutual Investment Group. Pieter holds a BCom (Economics) from Stellenbosch University and an MSc Finance from Nyenrode Universiteit in the Netherlands.

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