This article is excerpted from a letter by Michael Huber, portfolio manager at Lavien Group, based in New York.

Enphase Energy, Inc. (ENPH, Fremont CA) is a premium provider of microinverters for the residential solar market. It provides a suite of products that enable deployments of sophisticated residential solar panel installations that allow consumers to manage their electricity consumption and generation, shave usage to avoid peak utility charge periods, store electricity for use during dark periods and enable off grid solar activity.[1]

Enphase makes microinverters, the critical device that converts solar power generated as direct current (“DC”) to the alternating current (“AC”) used by common commercial and consumer devices. Enphase’s products are primarily sold in the residential market as a part of the solar energy value chain that includes solar panels, the inverter (or microinverter), the bill of materials to physically install and support the solar photo-voltaic system, and the dealer installers that sell, install and execute the implementation of the system.

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