We had the pleasure of speaking with Erling Sorensen, founder and portfolio manager of Aligned Capital Partnership, a boutique investment management company based in Melbourne, Australia.

Aligned Capital Partnership is the trustee and investment manager of the Aligned Capital Partnership Investment Trust, which is open exclusively to “Wholesale Investors” who are approved as being suitable and deemed to be like-minded investors.

Erling ended his executive career in 2017 to set up Aligned Capital Partnership, with the objective of institutionalizing managing his family’s money and, ultimately, opening up to a few like-minded co-investors.

We cover the following topics, among others:

  • Erling’s path in investing and the genesis of Aligned Capital
  • Founding principles and co-investor alignment
  • Investor communications
  • Definition of investable universe, and idea generation
  • Stock selection criteria
  • Assessing competitive advantage
  • Contrarianism — being “prepared to be contrarian”
  • Assessing the quality and incentives of management
  • The art of valuing a business
  • Concentration versus diversification
  • Right level of cash in the portfolio

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About the interviewee:

Erling Sorensen is the Founder and Portfolio Manager of Aligned Capital Partnership, a boutique investment management company based in Melbourne, Australia. Aligned Capital Partnership is the trustee and investment manager of the Aligned Capital Partnership Investment Trust. The Trust is open exclusively to “Wholesale Investors” who are approved by as being suitable and deemed to be like-minded investors. Erling decided to end his executive career in 2017 to set up Aligned Capital Partnership, with the objective of institutionalizing managing his family’s money and, ultimately, opening up for a few like-minded people to invest with his. Erling is the sole director of Aligned Capital Partnership.

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