Anthony Cambeiro presented his in-depth investment thesis on GSI Technology (NASDAQ: GSIT) at Best Ideas 2013.

About the instructor:

Anthony Cambeiro is President and Portfolio Manager at Anthology Capital LLC, which he founded in 2011. At a high level, Anthology is a long/short equity fund. The core strategy is to go long 10-20 high quality businesses with good returns on capital, defensible businesses, and capable management teams purchased at attractive valuations during periods of distress and short a more diversified group of companies with the inverse characteristics. The complementary strategy for the fund is investing in special situations or workouts which are more event driven and absolute return in nature. Prior to launching his firm, he served as Co-Director of Investments at Downtown Associates, a $300mm long biased, value-oriented hedge fund in Pennsylvania that he joined in 2001. His primary responsibilities as Co-Director of Investments were to lead the investment process, source new ideas, conduct due diligence, and coordinate the trading of securities. Earlier, from 2000 to 2001, Anthony worked on the small cap value team at BlackRock. He holds a BS from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated cum laude with concentrations in Finance, Accounting and Information Systems.

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