Lauren Templeton of Templeton & Phillips Capital Management presented her in-depth investment thesis on Universal Music Group (Netherlands: UMG) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2022.

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About the instructor:

Lauren C. Templeton is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Templeton & Phillips Capital Management, LLC. In addition to her leadership role at the firm, Ms. Templeton also serves on the Board of Directors for publicly traded corporations including, Fairfax Financial Holdings, Ltd., Fairfax India Holdings, Ltd., and Canadian Solar Inc. Prior to founding the firm in 2001, Lauren was employed with Morgan Stanley, Homrich Berg, and New Providence Advisors, a hedge fund management company, based in Atlanta, GA. Also in 2001, Lauren founded and served as President of the Southeastern Hedge Fund Association, (known today as the Southeastern Alternative Funds Association). Ms. Templeton is active in the non-profit community, serving as Chair for the Board of Trustees of the John Templeton Foundation (Conshohocken, PA), and as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Baylor School (Chattanooga, TN). Lauren also served on the endowment committee of Rotary International from 2010-2016. Ms. Templeton received her B.A. in Economics from Sewanee: The University of the South, and she is the co-author of the international best-seller Investing the Templeton Way (McGraw-Hill, 2008).

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