Matthew Peterson of Peterson Capital Management presented his in-depth investment thesis on The Daily Journal Corp. (US: DJCO) at Best Ideas 2021.

Replay Matt’s original presentation on DJCO from January 2019.

Replay this LIVE session (streamed on January 15):

slide presentation audio recording

About the instructor:

Matthew Peterson is the Managing Partner of Peterson Capital Management, LLC, a concentrated, long-term, value-based fund with a ten year track record and over 15% annualized returns. Matthew has been working as a financial professional for two decades. Prior to forming Peterson Capital Management, Matthew split time between Wall Street and London as Capital Markets Manager at Diamond Management and Technology Consultants with expertise spanning risk management and derivative processing. His experience includes working with global financial services firms including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, American Express, and Ameriprise Financial. In 2010, Matthew left Wall Street to launch his fund in Los Angeles. In 2020 he relocated to Austin, Texas. Matthew holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He earned his Bachelor of Science in economics and minor in mathematics from the University of Puget Sound. Matthew has lived and worked in China, England, and the United States.

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