Mordechai Yavneh of Focus Capital Management presented his investment thesis on Kingsgate Consolidated (Australia: KCN) at Best Ideas 2023.

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About the instructor:

Mordechai Yavneh is the founder and manager of New York-based Focus Capital Management, LLC, a boutique long-only hedge fund launched in 2013. Focus Capital Management is a fund with a fairly unique approach to investing. Our unique advantage comes from implementing and capitalizing on the value that concentration brings to an investor’s portfolio. We believe that focusing our time, energy, research, analysis, and resources on our best ideas generates superior long-term returns with a reduced level of risk built into each investment. We aim to invest in 4-5 positions at a time, and we believe this concentration and the deep research we invest in each of our positions is the driver behind our long-term success. More information about his investment approach and research process, as well as past and current investment letters, can be found at

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