Niraj Gupta of GCI Partners presented his investment thesis on Harrow (US: HROW) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2024.

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About the instructor:

Niraj Gupta has 30 years of experience analyzing and investing in private and publicly-traded companies with particular expertise in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) and healthcare industries. Mr. Gupta is Founder and Managing Member of GCI Partners LLC (GCIP), the Investment Manager of GCI Partners Opportunity Fund, LP. Mr. Gupta managed the Gupta Family Office from 2009 until the launch of GCI Partners Opportunity Fund, LP in 2019 . Prior to forming GCIP, Mr. Gupta was a member of Pequot Capital Management, which he joined for the launch of the firm’s Global TMT fund. Before joining Pequot, Mr. Gupta spent 13 years as a sell-side research analyst, including nine years at Citigroup Smith Barney (and the predecessor firm, Schroders), where he held the title of Managing Director. During his tenure at Smith Barney and Schroders, Mr. Gupta was named to Institutional Investors’ “All-America Research Team” on five separate occasions for his coverage of the Broadcasting, Cable and Satellite industries. Mr. Gupta was also previously recognized by Institutional Investor as the “Best of the Best”. Prior to joining Citigroup/Schroders, Mr. Gupta was a media and communications research analyst at Goldman Sachs and Nomura Securities. Mr. Gupta holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and resides in Manhattan with his wife and two children.

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