Rudi van Niekerk of Desert Lion Capital presented his in-depth investment thesis on Stadio Holdings (South Africa: SDO) at Best Ideas 2021.

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About the instructor:

Rudi van Niekerk manages the Desert Lion Capital Fund. He is a South African citizen. After years of political dysfunction and general emerging market underperformance, South Africa is one of the statistically cheapest markets globally, with growing businesses regularly commanding single-digit P/E’s. The Fund Manager has extensive experience investing in JSE small- and mid-cap securities – a sector which is characterized by a striking lack of institutional, analyst, and capital attention. The Fund employs a fundamental, research-driven process and is willing to accept volatility and lower liquidity in pursuit of superior returns over a multi-year time horizon. Rudi is a CFA charterholder and earned Bachelor of Commerce and MBA (cum laude) degrees from the University of Stellenbosch.

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