Ryan O’Connor of Crossroads Capital Partners presented his investment thesis on Countryside Properties (UK: CSP) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2021.

Editor’s note: Countryside combined with Vistry Group in November 2022.

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About the instructor:

Ryan O’Connor is the Founder and Portfolio Manager of Crossroads Capital, LLC. Before founding Crossroads, Ryan was an analyst at several value-centric investment partnerships.

Ryan’s primary responsibilities include asymmetric idea generation, with a specific focus on undiscovered emerging franchises and catalyst-driven special situations, as well as investment strategy and portfolio construction. Before life as a securities analyst, Ryan attended Indiana University (Bloomington), worked as a financial advisor for AG Edwards & Sons (now Wells Fargo), and was an options trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Ryan’s proven track record of generating compelling risk-adjusted returns has lead to recognition in various publications and associations. Ryan’s research has been featured in numerous publications, including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal.

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