This article is excerpted from a letter by MOI Global instructor Mark Walker, Managing Partner at Tollymore Investment Partners, based in London.

Tollymore is in the business of applying logic to anomalies. Our goal is to identify mispricings that are afforded to us as long-term investors, and to exercise sound judgment when we encounter potential opportunities. The application of logic comes in the form of having the temperament, working environment and investor base to see the bigger picture. And to use noise to our advantage in lowering our cost of business ownership when appropriate, and therefore the rates of return we can enjoy as owners of publicly listed businesses. We describe below two recent examples of investment decision making under conditions of uncertainty. In both cases we used our advantage as a long-term owner to acquire more shares of materially mispriced businesses at cheaper prices. We do not direct efforts to distilling the market’s ‘thoughts’ into a concise narrative. The complexity and reflexivity of financial markets renders this a low ROI pursuit. However, in the following examples it is our view that price action was at odds with the fundamental development of the companies’ long-term economic prospects.

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