The research report linked below is authored by Rory Gillen, founder of GillenMarkets, an investment advisory firm based in Dublin, Ireland.
Stock markets (equities) in democratic and pro-business economies have produced the best returns for investors over the long-term, in the main because industry generates better returns on the capital invested than one can obtain from bank deposits, government bonds or, indeed, gold. So long as one avoids overpaying for assets in the stock markets, an investor that saves and invests through them can reasonably expect to benefit from these superior returns less any costs. That said, stock markets can get overvalued and are regularly negatively impacted by adverse political and economic developments, which can lead to setbacks, and at times significant and prolonged setbacks.
An investor who is investing regularly – for example, with his/her pension monies – gets to invest in rising markets and declining markets. The regular investor carries much less risk as he/she naturally smooths out the inevitable ups and downs in markets and most likely, over the medium- to longterm, gets the average returns that markets generate.
It’s trickier for the lump-sum investor; the investor that (i) needs to protect his/her capital in the short-term or (ii) is unlikely to be in a position to add meaningfully to his/her existing capital and can’t, therefore, benefit from the better values that appear in weaker market conditions. The lumpsum investor has higher risk of investing when markets offer poor value, which normally leads to lower subsequent returns or outright negative returns over shorter timelines.
The lump-sum investor who wishes to participate in the superior returns that the stock markets offer but who also wishes to avoid deep setbacks can choose to try and time his/her entry into and exit from the stock markets (market timing). It’s easier said than done and must be recognised more as speculation than pure investment, but it offers choice and each to his own.
Dow Theory is a 120-year old method of timing the US equity markets first introduced by Charles Dow in 1900, the then editor of the Wall Street Journal. In his 2008 book Dow Theory for the 21st Century, author Jack Schannep brought this theory up to date for developments in markets since.
In this note, we explain Dow’s theory, and Jack Schannep’s version of it, and outline the returns of having followed this approach from 1954 to 2020 inclusive and compare them to:
- The returns that accrued to a ‘Buy & Hold’ investor in the S&P 500 Index over that period.
- The returns from hedge and absolute return funds since industry returns were formally recorded from 1998 to 2020 inclusive.
- The returns from a traditional multi-asset portfolio also from 1998 to 2020 inclusive.
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About The Author: Rory Gillen
Rory Gillen is the founder of GillenMarkets and has worked in the Financial Services Industry for over 25 years. He previously worked in NCB Stockbrokers, was a senior fund manager with Zurich (Ireland) and co-founded Merrion Capital in 1999. He is author of 3 Steps to Investment Success and a regular commentator in the media on investment related issues. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
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