Txomin Zaratiegui of Arlas Capital presented his investment thesis on Vente-unique (France: ALVU) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2024.

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About the instructor:

Txomin Zaratiegui Osés is the founder and portfolio manager of Arlas Capital Fund. He has a passion for investing and continuous learning. He was previously an Investment Director at Gala Capital, a leading Private Equity fund management firm headquartered in Madrid focused on growth capital equity investments. He worked on dozens of acquisitions and deals sourced across different industries. He was a Senior Analyst and Investment Associate at the firm. He also worked as an Investment Advisor for the Economic Office of Spain to the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, where he advised Spanish companies to expand internationally. Txomin Zaratiegui Osés started his career working as a management consultant and as a Corporate Banker at Barclays Bank. He also served as a Board Member at Prot-On, ESM2M, and Technoactivity (Mymoid). He holds a degree in Economics from the Pompeu Fabra Univeristity in Barcelona, Spain and an MBA from London Business School and Columbia Business School, where he graduated with honors.

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