Will Thomson and Adam Lundin on Mining and the Lundin Group

January 6, 2024 in Audio, Diary, Equities, Invest Intelligently Podcast, Latticework, Latticework New York, Member Podcasts, Podcast, Transcripts

William Thomson, Managing Partner of Massif Capital, led a conversation with business leader Adam Lundin, Chairman of Lundin Mining Corporation. Real asset investors will instantly recognize Adam and his brothers as “outsiders” in the sector, having created enormous shareholder value over time.

Will and Adam joined the MOI Global community at Latticework 2023, held at the Yale Club of New York City on December 12.

This conversation is available as an episode of Invest Intelligently, a member podcast of MOI Global. (Learn how to access member podcasts.)

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The following transcript has been edited for space and clarity.

Will Thomson: Last year, I spoke about real assets and why you could think about them in much the same way you think about other value investing and how it wasn’t just a commodity cycle. One of the recurring topics today has been the importance of management, of sometimes sticking with management as they move from one company to the next.

Adam is part of a family that has been in the real asset space in natural resources – oil and natural gas and mining – for three generations. To give you a flavor of what they’ve done, they have 11 companies right now, with a total market cap of 15 billion. If you had bought every Lundin family company since 2002 and held it through May of last year, you would have compounded at a rate of 23% per annum.

The point is that while there is a commodity cycle, real assets and natural resources are businesses like other businesses that you can invest in thoughtfully and with an eye towards value. Adam and his family – three brothers are in the business and one is out of the business – are a prime example of the type of management teams you want to look for and follow. At the moment, Adam is the chairman of the board of Lundin Mining. He sits on the board of Filo Mining as well as Lucara Diamond, NGEx Minerals, and the Lundin Foundation.

One of the things the Lundins have done so well is generate wealth for shareholders on a continuous basis over time. Adam, in preparing for this, I watched a couple of interviews you and your brothers have given recently. One of the reoccurring themes for you guys has been the idea of generational wealth and creating generational wealth. Perhaps you could start by sharing what that means to you.

Adam Lundin: I think the term “generational wealth” began with my grandfather when he was starting the business. When he thought of generational wealth, he wanted to be the Swedish Rockefeller. That was his ambition. I think it was a bit tough on my grandma as work caused my grandfather to travel a lot. His way in was through exploration because that’s how he could get into the business. He felt it was about making world-class discoveries with the scale and quality of grade that would last through generations and create that generational wealth for all stakeholders involved.

When my dad, my brothers, and I thought about it, it was that we still get into exploration, but now we turn to real businesses with cash flow. Can you build, get to scale, and have that great quality that allows you to survive cycles but also deliver returns to shareholders? It was about focusing on tier-one deposits.

Thomson: You run the mining side of the family business, and your younger brother runs the oil and natural gas side. Within the context of deposits and mines that can last a lifetime or beyond, how does the effort to build generational wealth shape the capital allocation decision framework you guys have?

Lundin: You have to be quite disciplined. It’s hard to time cycles. If you get these big assets, you know they’re going to give you the ability to catch a few cycles, and you’re going to end up doing very well. However, it’s a very capital-intensive industry.

We’re positioning ourselves. We’re overweight in oil and gas. We sold Lundin Energy three years ago. We’ve been investing more on the mining side but also growing another one of our oil companies. When you study the outlook and see the lack of supply and new discoveries being made, then you look at your IRR and your returns and what that profile looks like on a discounted cash flow basis, you have to rank up. You can’t do everything at the same time.

We move projects forward, then see which one we can put into production or move forward without being too dilutive for shareholders. You need to have a good macro backdrop where you’ll be able to have your lenders come in or to have cash flow from your other operations to go out and build.

How you’re going to allocate capital changes quite frequently. Sometimes, it’s best to do share buybacks if you’re not getting proper value of the business. You must have your finger on the pulse to see the timing of when to build, to buy shares back, to pay a dividend, and all that. There’s a no proven formula. You have got to see what it’s like at that time and what the outlook is.

Thomson: In terms of the decision to build versus buy back shares, have you guys found that a counter-cyclical approach works best? Or is it working within the cycle and trying to shape it, if you will?

Lundin: I think the best time to explore and buy new assets is at the bottom. Buy and explore. As you get the tide coming in your favor, start to expand and build. However, it’s way easier said than done. Putting exploration dollars to work at the bottom of a cycle is not always the most favorable decision. It’s tough, but that’s why we should be increasing exploration budgets.

I was running one of the exploration companies. I remember that at the bottom of this cycle, we had what was probably the biggest exploration program going on in South America. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense when you have many huge companies in the space not running exploration programs. I was like, “Dad, the rig company are favorites right now because we’re putting rigs to work.” He said, “It’s going to pay off.” When the tide turns and you’re there with an asset that can be developed and people wanting to grow, you’re standing above everyone else. We’ve done it time and again, but it takes a lot of guts.

Thomson: One of the important takeaways is that you can think about how a natural resource company deploys capital in much the same way as any other business. Your concern is how management are deploying the capital, when they are deploying it, and if they’re deploying it thoughtfully. I think a lot of people miss this when they look at natural resource companies – often just looking at the commodity cycle – but there’s so much more to it than that. In fact, equity is perhaps a messy way to think about expressing a commodity viewpoint.

One of the things you brought up is the capital intensity of the whole process. Value investors are always greatly concerned with dilution. One of the challenges with a lot of mining or oil and natural gas businesses developing an asset is how to raise that billion dollars to build an asset. One thing the Lundins have always done is put money in when money needed to be raised. They did so at a rate above or at the very least in keeping with how much of the business they already owned. How do you think through and balance the need to raise capital that usually occurs through equity raises with efforts to build generational wealth for the Lundins and your fellow shareholders?

Lundin: I think you see it a lot in the natural resource base and with junior mining companies. They’re very good at capping their stock because maybe they’re on a run and money is available. When money is available, you should take it, but if you don’t have a use for proceeds, you should not take that dilution on. Understanding that money is available can be tempting, but we’ve been in a position where if we have to raise equity, we like to backstop it.

When running some of the exploration companies, my dad said, “What’s the budget? Is that the most efficient? Yes? Okay. How much do you need? We’ll do half. Go find the other half.” That’s worked out well for us. We never want to take on unnecessary dilution. We always find ourselves – more or less – the largest shareholder in our publicly traded companies. We are certainly very focused on dilution.

Thomson: When it comes to dilution, the primary driver is the capital costs associated with the project. The Lundins have always pursued elephants – big projects, oftentimes more associated with companies like Exxon Mobil or Freeport-McMoRan, which are some of the largest names in the industry. Yet, you’re often considered a mid-tier player, but perhaps going to be a major shortly. How do you think about balancing the risks associated with taking on both the operational challenges of a major project and the financial risk? How do you balance those two and think through that decision?

Lundin: As a business evolves, it’s all about your management team and the people you have in your organization to be able to succeed. We feel like we’re the most efficient explorers and starting to become one of the most efficient builders. When it’s family and your capital on the line, you don’t need to build a Ferrari every time. Sometimes, a Cadillac will do it. You find a lot of the majors gold-plating things and having stretched capex. We very much want to under-promise and over-deliver.

As we move forward, we’re happy to take on those challenges. We are becoming a better operator. We see the businesses mature, but we’re very proud of the teams we’ve assembled in our companies and are happy to empower them. We have good mine builders and good explorers, but we feel more comfortable being able to blame ourselves as opposed to being a non-operator and having to blame your partner.

Thomson: One of the things you mentioned is giving decision-making capability down the chain. How important has empowering your employees been to the success of the Lundin businesses?

Lundin: I think it’s been everything. Obviously, you don’t always get it right. Sometimes, you do have to make tough decisions and changes. We’re not going to pay the biggest salaries and be able to compete with some of the biggest companies, but what we focus on is being able to align the management teams with ourselves and the shareholders by offering a friendly option package.

You’re going to do well as long as the shares do well. That’s how we want to incentivize our guys. We always say, “Grandpa and dad never took a salary.” You get some fees as a board member, but I’m not taking a salary. I’m going to do well and the family’s going to do well through the share price going higher. That’s how we like to incentivize the teams. When they’re motivated the same way as us, you see them start to excel.

We are happy to be as hands-off as possible but also happy to be hands-on. We realized growing up that most of the phone calls my dad or grandpa would be getting were about problems that management teams couldn’t fix. They needed the help and never shied away from that. You want to be on the front lines with your team, but you also have to give them room to run and come up with solutions together while also letting them know you are just a phone call away if they need anything.

Thomson: Your brother Jack has become the CEO of Lundin Mining. Is he taking a salary for this position?

Lundin: He’s not taking the same salary as the past CEOs. However, if you are the CEO and you are responsible, I think it’s important to demonstrate you’re not put in that organization for just any reason. It is important he’s on the senior management team.

There are exceptions when you have a builder come in and it’s for a project. He could have a higher compensation than the rest of the management team. I think he’s 50,000 more than the CFO and COO, but try to have a bit of a flat structure so that the CEO is not way out of whack compared to the other chiefs.

Thomson: There are four brothers in total, and they’ve all come up in the business, if you will. As value investors, we come across family businesses that are of interest all the time. As the third generation, how did you guys prepare to be put in the positions you’re in now? What lessons have you learned that maybe you would do something different for your kids?

Lundin: What lit a fire was a family meeting and sitting there at 13. Someone comes in and you hear that the success of this third generation is about 15%. Normally, the first generation starts it, the second generation grows it, and you guys are going to fuck it up. I remember me and my brothers looking around and going, “Who’s this guy? Is this for real?”

That fire still burns. I still think that being publicly traded, you have proven yourself every day, but for us coming up, it was always our dad saying not to expect anything. It was very important during high school and university that summer jobs be always in the field, working with either the exploration teams or on construction. It was, “Here comes the boss’ kid. He must be pretty soft.” You always felt like, “I want to gain the respect of my colleagues. I’m going to have to work that much harder to do that.” That’s the mentality me and my brothers – Jack and Will – had going into it.

Thomson: Your father, Lukas, was renowned in the industry for generating loyalty among his employees and having a very strong following. Do you think the mindset he instilled in you is the mindset that generates this loyalty among employees and willingness to work? Oftentimes, mines are out in the middle of nowhere. People are flying in and out. You’re away from your family for weeks or months on end. Is that mindset key to building loyalty?

Lundin: Yes, I think you have to set the tone, and it comes from the top. Me and my two younger brothers especially are highly driven. It’s nice. As you’re coming up, you want to be the first one in and last one out. You don’t want to be sitting behind the desk doing nothing. You want to lead by example. I think that’s what my grandfather and my dad did and what me and my two brothers are trying to do as well. It’s only possible if you enjoy it. We thoroughly enjoy what we do. We are very active in the business and definitely on the road a lot, but I am a keen believer in leading by example.

Thomson: At the moment, there are about 11 companies under the Lundin umbrella. There are a couple on the mining side, a couple on the oil and natural gas side, and one renewable energy company. You serve as chairman of the Lundin Group. How do you think about allocating capital across all those companies as opposed to the allocation occurring at one of them?

Lundin: A lot of the companies are good dividend-paying companies today, so we have the ability to reinvest in the business. If we think one is undervalued, we’re happy to increase our position there.

With some of the companies being sustaining and having cash flow, we try and find one of those exploration companies, at least for a bit of a runway. If you’re not getting good drill results, then people know that’s the end of your capital because you are at the end of drilling. Here are the results, and you’re not seeing the benefit of those results because everyone knows another capital raise will come. Instead of going higher on good news, you’re going lower on good news because they know the financing is coming. That’s why we try and structure it so that we give ourselves more runway than just one drill campaign.

With that in mind, you start to have a roadmap of when you’ll to have to put more money into those companies – if they’re on that trajectory – where you’re proving up a deposit. You lay out a map of the companies that will require capital down the road and make sure you’re prepared for that. It’s always super important to be able to have a bit of a war chest to take advantage of opportunities when the sector is not doing so well.

Thomson: What role, if any, does the commodity cycle play in some of this thought process? It sounds like it’s primarily driven by operational opportunities at the companies, but does the war chest get used based on the commodity cycle? It clearly gets used based on operational opportunities, but does the commodity cycle also play a role in it?

Lundin: Yes, definitely. When you feel like you’re low in the cycle, you definitely want to be buying more. Again, it’s easier said than done.

With different companies, you have to silo yourself and make sure you’re doing what’s best for that set of shareholders in that entity. If it’s exploration, you need to deal with financing two years down the road and make sure you have capital tucked away for that, but with the cycle, you can see it’s starting to ramp up. When it rolls over, you definitely feel it. That’s when you want to put the war chest to work.

Thomson: A lot of the businesses you guys run and the assets you develop are in jurisdictions that many would find somewhat touch or go – Argentina, throughout Africa, the DRC. These are all interesting places, at least in my view. When I think about political risk, I often think about the skill you guys have had in managing it. The example that always comes to mind is Fruta del Norte in Ecuador. Could you walk us through this case and how you think about political risk now?

Lundin: Fruta del Norte in Lundin Gold is a great case. Starting with Fortress Minerals at the time, we were in Russia, and we felt like we weren’t having success with that asset. We decided to cut bait and sold it for cash. With Fortress, I happened to be on the board with Ron. We would always get assets shown to us.

A gold company called Kinross bought Fruta del Norte for $1.2 billion, I think. It couldn’t get anywhere with the country. When we found out it was for sale, Ron and I were viewing another project in Finland at the time. He said, “You guys get back here. I got the asset.” We were like, “We’re just finishing the report. We’re in Finland.” He said, “Drop it. This is the one.” We flew in and asked what was going on, to which he replied, “There’s a buried gold bar in Ecuador that we need to go check out. It’s very high grade – 10 grams a ton – and it’s 10 million ounces.”

The view was that it was extremely hard to get fiscal agreements done with the country. My dad said, “If we don’t try, we’ll never know.” We flew there, met with the country’s president, and told him what we wanted to do. I distinctly remember dad telling him, “This is your resource. This is your gold. We’re happy to come and help you put it into production. You guys are going to benefit the most. We and our shareholders will benefit as well. But if you want to do this, it has to be a partnership. We have to want to be able to do it together.”

He was happy. He said, “What is this Fortress thing?” “Here’s the portfolio. This should be in your bigger company. This should be in Lundin Mining.” At that time, we didn’t want to call any more companies after Lundin but came to an agreement. “Why don’t we call it Lundin Gold?” and they said, “Okay. That will work.” Then, at the follow-up meeting, the president said, “It’s so nice to see you and have you come down to the meetings and take this seriously, Mr. Lundin. I never met Mr. Kinross before.” There’s no Mr. Kinross. It was Tye Burt running the company at the time, but to have that engagement, go down there, and show that respect, especially in Latin America, goes such a long way.

Thomson: Kinross bought it for a billion. It invested how much?

Lundin: 236.

Thomson: You guys bought it from them for?

Lundin: It was very tough. It was October or November 2014. I think the last day of the equity financing gold dropped $40. In the last meeting in New York, we went to go see a famous investor in gold. He tried to talk us out of doing it. At the end of the meeting, my dad, who’d had a long relationship with the gentleman, said, “We only had so much time and so many things to do. You didn’t have to take this meeting. We won’t be seeing you again.” That was it.

We put a financing package together for a billion dollars, built it, and it’s been a tremendous success. Also, the stability agreements – which are super important when going into these places – set the framework for companies that are now looking to build mines in Ecuador, and those were direct agreements with the company in the country. If anything changed, you’d be going to international court, and the country would not win, but it offered good protection and made banks and creditors happy to lend us money to continue pushing the project forward.

Thomson: The political risk created a tremendous opportunity. The natural resources space always strikes me as having interesting opportunities created by political risk. It isn’t just something you have to suffer from. I think the Lundins are a prime example of investors and capital allocators who have found ways to take advantage of that, but you guys also occasionally sell a business – as last year with Lundin Oil and Gas. Walk us through the decision to sell an asset like that, with the name on the door and one of the top 10 oil and natural gas discoveries in the last decade.

Lundin: With Lundin Energy, we made a big discovery in 2011 – the Johan Sverdrup oil field. We went through unitization, and we had about 21% of the field. It was nice back then because you had reserve-based lending. We did not have to raise any equity to be able to hold on to our position and put the field into production.

We were producing about 200,000 barrels a day by the time the exit occurred two years ago now. Also, at that time, we had other production outside of Norway. The view was you’re just getting value for Norway. That’s why everyone’s investing in the company. We spun out IPC to shareholders. The viewpoint dad had was, “I think this electric revolution is real. I don’t think it’s going to play out in the time people anticipate, but let’s refocus ourselves and start getting more weighted towards copper.”

You put this in production. You’re having a great time. Johan Sverdrup hasn’t got peak production yet, but dad used to say, “I’d rather be early than one day late and not be able to sell the business.” We were able to sell it for cash and shares, so we still own the shares today. We are bullish on oil, but we’ve started to position ourselves more heavily toward the copper space.

Thomson: One of the things I find so fascinating about the Lundin family is this ability to continuously recycle capital at high rates of return into new businesses, which we all look for in compounders but is not something generally associated with the natural resource industries yet. It is something that people like the Lundins accomplish. It becomes a question of finding the right people and the right management teams. It seems like the criticality of management always shines through.

Turning from some of these bigger risk management decisions, you were the CEO of Jose Maria, which was bought by Lundin Mining. It’s a copper deposit. It was a project that I think you acquired 24 years ago. You’ve been working on it since something like 1999, so how do you generate the conviction to stick with something like that for that long?

Lundin: It staked the ground in 1999. We have had a lot of success in Argentina. My dad went there in the late 1980s. Menem came to power. We saw the country opening and were able to get a foothold in Bajo de la Alumbrera. We were a small group then. It was tough for us to hang on to it to development, so we sold it.

Then we went and made the Varadero discovery, which was a massive one. Our geo was telling us it was going to be 20 million ounces. Barrick declared it a 20-million-ounce deposit two years ago. We had to fend off a hostile bid from Barrick and ended up doing a friendly deal with Homestake. Barrick went and bought Homestake.

From there, you’re having that success with that team, and you want to continue to do it. We had 10K mining at the time, which was in the DRC and in force majeure. We didn’t have a vehicle, but we said, “Let’s go and stake some ground in the Vicuna district,” as we call it today. That was in 10K in 1999. We brought in the Japanese as partners and started to explore.

The DRC got better. We spun that out into NGEx and started making a lot of discoveries. It was tough at the bottom of the cycle. We were drilling seasonally. We wouldn’t drill through the wintertime because of harsh conditions. I think that made us know that if we were going year-round, maybe we wouldn’t have taken this long to achieve success, but we said it was going to take a bit longer, so we continued to make new discoveries and prove things up. We felt like still having success. “We’re finding metal. Let’s stick with it.”

What truly changed the story for us was that three or three and a half years ago, we made a huge discovery. We drilled a kilometer hull, which was mineralized all the way. On average, it had over 1% copper. We called it “the 20-year overnight success story.” It was just being able to keep with it, knowing that because of the seasonality we probably doubled the length of the time we had to have that success, but kept at it and also made sure we didn’t encumber the asset along the way by selling a royalty or a stream on it. The Japanese got fatigued, and we were able to buy them out of two of the deposits we found at good prices. I think it was just keeping at it and knowing that we were on to something special.

Thomson: As I mentioned, if you owned all the Lundin companies from 2002 to May of last year, you’d have compounded at 23%. Of course, probably 20 years of exploration occurred before that. These are long cycles, and it requires a lot of capital discipline. The Lundins demonstrate that nicely.

Maybe we could now talk about the opportunity in copper. With a generalist audience, when we think about copper or gold allocations, one often might say, “I’m going to look at Freeport-McMoRan or Barrick Gold.” Those are big, safe names that generalists would be comfortable with. Why should a generalist look at something more like Lundin Mining (which has the Jose Maria deposit in the Vicuna district) or NGEx or Filo Mining, which also have deposits in the Vicuna district? Full disclosure: My firm, Massif Capital, is invested in all three.

Lundin: When you look at the big companies, what underpins them is their phenomenal large-scale deposits. For us, when we think about the prize, you have the biggest mine in the world. The copper space is about a 25-million-ton market, and the biggest producer on an asset basis is Escondida, which does a million tons. You have a couple of others that do around 400 to 500. Then it starts getting quite small.

The main owners of Escondida are Rio and BHP. The NAV they’re getting out of that asset is around $42 billion. When you have those big assets that can underpin your businesses for long periods of time, you want to hang on to as much as you can, but NGEx and Filo are exploration companies, so it’s going to be very hard for them to stay in it. At some point, the Vicuna district will be consolidated, and it will probably be Lundin Mining and another mining player. You would have room to bring in a trading house, as we have done on a couple of our assets. We know it’s there. We have the prize and the goal, and to be able to transform Lundin Mining into a powerhouse, you need that strong asset base, and we’re sitting on it now.

We’ve got to be smart as hell. We put the puzzle together and move it forward in a disciplined manner, but it’s super exciting for me to be able to make those discoveries, to push them forward, and create a lot of shareholder value along the way. It’s super rare and special. We saw it with Lundin Energy and Johan Sverdrup. You have these tremendous assets that are going to survive cycles and allow you to create a lot of meaningful value for all stakeholders.

Thomson: Could you contextualize for us how big Vicuna looks like it’s going to be?

Lundin: Escondida is 36 billion tons, containing 180 million tons of copper.

Thomson: The largest copper mine in the world at the moment.

Lundin: I don’t think it’s hard to rationalize that with what we’ve discovered, you’re sitting today on 18 billion tons. That should be able to support 90 million tons of copper, and you still haven’t found the limits to that. That’s talking about one deposit within the broader Vicuna district.

When we talk about these giant metal districts, which is what we’re onto, they form in clusters, and then they surprise to the upside. Two years ago, we put a presentation together called “The Vicuna.” It was 1.0. We said, “This is starting to become a giant metal district.” You’re getting to that level where you’re pushing 13 million tons and 17 million tons and able to do that. We definitely see we’re on our way to proving out one of the major metal districts holding a lot of metal that has been the backbone for a lot of the great mining success stories in the industry today.

Thomson: Before I hand it off for questions, I want to give you an opportunity to talk about the Lundin Foundation, specifically some of the work it is doing around cancer and cancer research.

Lundin: The Lundin Foundation is something we’re immensely proud of. It helps differentiate us in the resource space. The Lundin Foundation supports all the companies in the group. It’s about helping with sustainable investments around the local communities where we operate.

The goal is to be able to set up sustainable businesses that will survive the mine lives or the oil field’s life, so these areas can still prosper after those deposits are depleted. The only way to have success in moving assets and deposits forward is with a social license. It’s super important to do that, and the Lundin Foundation helps all the companies in the group with those goals. Also, when it’s Lundin Mining doing an initiative versus the Lundin Foundation, there’s a bit more trust there because you have some separation, so it’s been very helpful.

My father passed away last year from glioblastoma. He had a lot of care and help. He was treated at the hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he passed away. He donated $10 million. We were working closely with the hospital when we formed the Lundin Cancer Fund.

To raise awareness, my two younger brothers decided to climb Mount Everest this year. They’re not mountaineers, but they had an excellent team and trained properly. They were successful in summiting, so we’re putting a documentary together – the same guys who did 14 peaks with Nims, who was their guide. We’ll roll it out and do some fund-raising events. I’m happy to share it with everyone once it’s complete.

Glioblastoma is not common enough for big pharma to see profitability because it’s very deadly. I guess it doesn’t happen enough to make pharmaceutical companies spend money on research, so we said, “Let’s give it a go and see if we can help.” We’re working closely with the CHUV Foundation in Lausanne on initiatives and seeing if we can make a difference.

Thomson: Let’s take some questions now.

Participant: I wonder if you could comment on two things. Firstly, it seems a lot of investment that might otherwise head toward precious metals is getting diverted to crypto. Secondly, valuations on streaming companies seem to be far above those of, say, general mining companies.

Lundin: It’s tough for us to catch onto crypto because there’s nothing tangible. We don’t understand why it was backed, so we never forayed into it. We never truly understood it.

Wheaton Precious Metals and the Francos, which are streaming royalty companies, do extremely well, and their view is not having any asset risk, but it’s not all the way true because we saw what happened in Panama. Wheaton overtook Franco in market cap, but I think these are good businesses. Also, for us, that’s money. You can go to the streaming companies, but to not be able to have a buyback option on a stream is very tough.

When my dad bought Zinkgruvan in Sweden off Rio Tinto, he paid $140 million for the deposit. About a month later, he sold a silver stream to Wheaton – Wheaton River at the time – for $150 million. He thought that was a fantastic deal, but the silver stream was for the life of mine, and silver was at $450 an ounce at the time. Then it ran and is very painful to see today. You still feel it.

They do extremely well, and they do extremely well with the deals, but I think the industry is a bit more astute in knowing you need a buyback clause if that’s the only access to capital you have, but it’s not the first option.

Thomson: I would add that from a purely investing perspective, the streaming space is getting a little crowded. At first, this way of financing appeared quite attractive. Over time, it has become perhaps less so and more of a second or third call you make if you can’t raise capital otherwise. The books Franco-Nevada has are quite valuable, and while some of the newer guys, like Sandstorm, have a giant book of assets, only one or two of them are producing.

You’re paying that premium right now for potential future assets, but you buy into a stream with hopes that you don’t have development risk yet. You do have a tremendous amount of development risk across that portfolio because none of those assets are in operation, and since they couldn’t find capital elsewhere, they went to a streamer. They may or may not be the best quality assets you want exposure to.

Lundin: Yes, I think it’s very tough if you encumber. We had to go with streaming when we were building Fruta del Norte with Lundin Gold. Private equity provided, and we had to sell a stream. We have a buyback option. With things going well, we’ll be able to execute on buying back the stream.

Sometimes, it’s your only avenue, but private equity is in that game now, which gives you a buyback clause. They still did extremely well, but we were pushing the project forward and needed to pull that lever to continue to build the mine. We’re thankful that door was open. Otherwise, we would have gotten stuck with Fruta del Norte in the middle of building. It’s good. Sometimes, you have to go that route.

Participant: It’s your third time in Argentina with a monster deposit. The country recently had an election, and there is a new leader. Let’s call him colorful. Any comments?

Lundin: We are quite optimistic, but it’s going to be painful for Javier Milei’s administration. Anything he does will require devaluing the peso, and he’s trying to ready the population for that. Still, taking currency controls off, opening up the country, and allowing people to get their money out will be exciting and will allow for a new wave of foreign investment into the country. It was the same when we first went in and Menem was president.

We’re optimistic and look forward to seeing what Milei does. The finance minister is talking this afternoon, and I’d be curious to see the beginning of the measures the government will take. However, it’s a delicate balance. You want to open it up rather quickly, but you also have to be careful. For the population, it will be tough with further inflation and devaluation, but I think they’ll get through it. I’m quite optimistic.

Rajiv: It’s great to hear from an operator at this conference. You have multiple listed companies within different spaces. If someone were to think about investing, could you have combined all these companies into one so that an investor could have the benefit of all the diversification inherent in your business? If you cannot, what is the one company you think can give us the best returns today?

Lundin: My dad would always complain that maybe we had too many companies and should rationalize or just consolidate. At the same time, if we’re not getting value for this asset that sits in this company, spin it out, but spinning it out creates another public entity. You’ll have to put a management team and a board in place and all the rest. Shareholders were not feeling the benefit of what we have, so we’ve been very successful with the spin-outs.

Even if we think it makes the most sense to bring things together, it’s tough doing transactions within the Lundin Group portfolio. Everyone thinks there’s some benefit for us to gain, but it’s not so. We just want to create the most shareholder value.

So far, it’s been very much spin-outs. Also, the view at the time was that if you’re investing in oil, you don’t want gold; if you’re investing in gold, you’re pessimistic; you don’t want copper because then you believe in growth. We always try to keep things separate to ensure that the shareholder base can get direct exposure to what they’re looking for. That’s how we felt it was best to keep things separated.

When it comes to the portfolio, a lot of the companies are in good shape. The challenges and the turnarounds are good. We’ve had a company called Lucara Diamonds in Botswana, and it is a super special diamond pipe where you do about 2% of the diamond production in the world, but you’re producing around 50% of the carats – over 10.8 carats per stone. You’re a bit insulated because 70% of your revenue is coming from those big stones. The whole synthetic push is not really eating into the company, and your peers are not doing so well. The space hasn’t done that well, so you haven’t seen a lot of capital flow there.

We’re transitioning from an open pit to underground. With such transitions, it’s a wait-and-see story. We had a delay on the underground and had to make a few management changes, but now I believe we’re coming off a very low floor and getting things back on track. We’re quite excited about the story. It’s one I think can do quite well from here from a rebound point of view. It’s coming off a low level where I feel comfortable with.

Thomson: One of the attractive qualities for natural resource companies or real asset businesses in general is oftentimes the clarity of catalyst that Adam mentioned in saying it’s a gold company and it’s within a copper company. We’ll spin out the gold company into a gold company only, or we’re developing an asset and turning it on. There are very clear timelines. You can get great clarity of the thesis and the catalysts. That creates a very clean investment thesis that is often harder to get, and clarity of thesis is something we all search and hope for.

With many project-based companies, it’s something you can achieve. It also enables you to invest intelligently through commodity cycles. You can find some of this research on our website. If you look at a gold company or a copper company, when they turn on an asset, it doesn’t matter what the copper price or the gold price is doing. That company will go up.

Again, the commodity cycle is important. It’ll go up more if copper or gold is running, but there are ways to think through these businesses, the cycle, and your investment process that enable you to generate returns through the cycle as opposed to just with commodity cycles.

Participant: Could you talk about some of the hardships your company might go through? Your industry might have a bad connotation in terms of mining and disturbing natural resources such as the habitats. I wonder how you try to get a win-win situation in the foreign locations you enter and how you deal with their governments and also social activists.

Lundin: It’s a great question. Historically, the oil and the mining sectors haven’t done a good job of explaining the benefits of what they’re doing and the impact they’re making. We shouldn’t be shy. We should be a little more vocal in explaining those benefits – being able to create a tremendous number of jobs, bringing stability, and increasing the social standard in the areas around us.

I think the most important people that should benefit are the local communities. We are proud of that. There’s also the educational system – you see mining school after mining school or engineering school after engineering school shrink. My brother Jack sits on the board of the mining school at the University of Arizona. It’s the shittiest building on campus. No one will want to go and do a major there. We’re starting where you can take mining as an elective, putting in money to give the building a bit of a facelift.

It’s also important to be present at the student fairs in China and be able to resonate, but I think we should do a better job of talking about the benefits of the space and what we’re doing for the local communities. When you’re trying to fend off a paid protest or something like that, your community is your best spokesperson. As long as you have that social license and they’re backing you, you’ll be okay and will get through that stuff. Bring on as many locals as you can when you’re building and running these operations.

Participant: You’re in many areas, and you’re very focused on your specific assets, but do you take a call on commodities long term? Do you say, “I really like copper. I don’t like this one. I like the other one, but not those other two”?

Lundin: If you look back and ask how you would proceed if you did it again, I think you know very well you’re not in charge of the biggest value driver a lot of the time, which is your commodity price, and you don’t have a big say on that. It’s very much a volume business and one about margins.

Especially on the mining side, a lot of the big companies that do extremely well are iron ore companies. We try not to get into too many niche metals. We have a bit of a competitive advantage, and copper is a big space. Yes, we do some nickel and zinc with Lundin Mining, but that’s why we avoided the lithium space. Maybe we were wrong. People created a tremendous amount of value with lithium, but this being the second most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, we felt it wasn’t going to be that hard. You had these big lithium deposits in South America. We felt they could ramp up, but since it was a smaller space than copper, it was one we shied away from.

When you look at more niche metals, there are rules to the exception. We never thought we would get into the diamond business, but when there was a project we felt had the potential for really high quality, we went after it. Still, it has to be something special for us to go into niche markets.

Participant: Denison Mining, a uranium miner, used to be a Lundin company. We can think of uranium as a bit of a niche. Is that still an asset you are involved in? If not, why did you choose to get out?

Lundin: We were in the uranium space for a very long time. We felt we weren’t creating the returns for shareholders or ourselves. After Fukushima, we said, “This is going to be tough.” When the Kazakhs came out and were able to make money at $30 a pound, it became extremely challenging, and we thought it may be better we leave it to someone else.

I think it is one of the cleaner sources, and it’s good if it can get buy-in. It was just tough all the way through. You had people closing nuclear power plants across Europe. You had the Kazakhs being able to bring on new supply out of nowhere very cheaply, and us not generating the returns we strive for. I still think uranium will play a significant role in the world going forward, but I don’t see us getting back into it.

Participant: Speaking of not generating the returns you look for, do you have an internal hurdle rate that you shoot for? Would you share it with us if you did?

Lundin: No, I think you’re going to create a tremendous amount of value with exploration success, but we find you can create even more value with building a mine, bringing it online, and getting those cash flows. Then, starting to be a dividend payer or buying back shares, you can continue to create value – not jumping out of bed every morning to go out and make 10%, but to make multiples of what we’re doing. My brothers and I have lofty goals. We see where the group is today. If we can’t double or quadruple from here in the next 10 years, we’d probably be pretty disappointed in ourselves.

Participant: Can you share your family’s philosophy on hedging commodity price risk and how you think about it through your companies?

Lundin: We normally don’t hedge and want to be able to have full exposure to the upside.

Right now, IPC is a good example where we’re committed to buying up to 7% of the shares outstanding each year. We’re committed to building the Black Rod project that will increase our production from 50,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day to 75,000, and we took on some debt to do that. We want to make sure we execute on those two things. We’ve hedged a bit of our oil production there, but generally, we haven’t done it in the past in our operations.

Participant: I would love to hear your thoughts on the oil and gas business and how you guys look at various opportunities relative to what you’re doing in mining.

Lundin: I think this transition is going to play out. It’s not going to play out as quickly as forecasted because it takes a lot of time to bring new supply online, specifically in the copper space. Electrifying the globe, I believe this trend is happening, but it’s not going to happen on the timeline we have. We believe that should lead to elevated prices and some really elevated prices in the mining space, but oil and gas are always going to play a significant role.

As we increase our production profile at IPC, we are focused on being able to also buy shares back. It’s not necessary. Is there a point down the road where you take the company private but get to a level where you have a very tight float, and it makes sense to flip from buybacks or dividends?

It’s just that the capital pool has shrunk dramatically going into the equities in the oil and gas space, where the valuations aren’t the same. You have got to focus on high-quality assets. We’re big fans of SAGD in Canada and heavy oil because your decline rates are around 10% – they are quit steep on the shale side. You have to be constantly reinvesting; especially with reserve-based lending from banks not there, maybe you have to go into the high-yield debt market, so your cost of capital has increased over time.

It’s a space we continue to grow in, but we’re not looking to be back to where the portfolio was 70-30 oil and gas versus mining.

Participant: A quick follow-up on that. It seems to me that in the last few years, domestic oil and gas producers have found capital discipline that was sorely lacking in the prior – you tell me – 15, 20, or 50 years. I’m curious if you consider that sustainable. What kind of players would you be watching – maybe as a canary in the coal mine – to check if that discipline is slipping away again?

Lundin: Shale is definitely on this wheel. It wasn’t about returns; it was about reinvesting, and you had such sharp decline rates. Then people said, “No, we need to make a return,” and now you’re seeing a wave of consolidation. I think you’ll have a few players left, which is healthy, and they will definitely be focused on more returns. Today, the world’s consuming the most oil ever in its history, so we’re quite bullish on the outlook.

It’s tough to say, but I think the discipline should continue, and you also see a bit more spending, but on a necessary basis as well.

Thomson: Let me chime in here. At least in terms of the discipline on the U.S. side and the fracking side in particular, what we’ve seen over the last couple of years is growth that has occurred at a much slower pace because rather than drill new wells, many fracking companies are either refracking old wells or going back into the so-called DUCs (drilled but uncompleted).

However, the DUCs inventory is dwindling very fast. That has enabled many domestic fracking firms to maintain production at a much lower investment cost because a lot of the wells are already drilled but just uncompleted. As that DUCs inventory gets used up, if they want to sustain or even grow – and my expectation wouldn’t be for much growth from here – they’ll need to start reinvesting in drilling. They may still remain disciplined, but some of the capex spend will have to increase because they don’t have access to that DUCs inventory anymore.

Mihaljevic: Adam, on capital allocation, could you tell us how you think about M&A? In other words, would you ever consider buying up shares of another public company if you thought they were extremely cheap and maybe, instead of acquiring projects, acquire a company if there’s a large discount to NAV?

Lundin: On the natural resource side, we know it’s all people and management and having those management teams aligned with shareholders – this is extremely important. Going out and buying a company where you don’t know the people or what they’re about is hard for us given our history. However, there are certainly opportunities – like people being spooked about Venezuela going into Guyana, which I don’t think is going to happen. Then you have Hess trading 10% off the takeover price. Sometimes you see opportunities like that, and those are areas where I feel you can take advantage, but these opportunities are quite rare.

Mihaljevic: Would you ever do a creeping takeover where maybe instead of deploying capital into your own shares, you might buy more of a company that’s deeply undervalued? You mentioned Lucara Diamond. Would you ever consider increasing your stake in something like that?

Lundin: I think the first approach is to try a friendly transaction. If that doesn’t go anywhere, you have a dialogue with the shareholders on the opposite side to see if they feel this is something that should happen. We’ve always avoided going hostile because of the time and the cost, but it depends. If someone brought a story to us and said, “We don’t believe management are doing the right thing,” we take a look, but historically, we haven’t done hostile or creeping takeovers.

Thomson: We have heard several times that management teams are crucial in the natural resources space. One of Warren Buffett’s famous quotes is “I want to buy businesses an idiot can run.” An idiot can’t run a natural resource business because it is technically challenging and complicated. That makes management all the more important relative to, say, a brick company. None of the businesses Warren owns seem like an idiot could run any of them, so I don’t really know what he’s talking about when he says that.

I think the Lundins are a family to keep an eye on. There are other investors and entrepreneurs in the natural resources space who are perennially successful. Hopefully, we’ll have some of them with us next year.

Adam, thank you for your time and insight.

Lundin: I appreciate it. Thanks a lot, Will and John, and thank you everyone for listening.

About the session host:

William Thomson is the Founder and Managing Partner of Massif Capital, LLC. Will has experience in private equity and credit/political risk insurance and has served as a strategic and economic adviser to NATO/ISAF in Afghanistan. Before starting Massif Capital, Will worked in the New York office of Chaucer, a Lloyd’s of London insurance syndicate, serving as the co-portfolio manager for a $750 million portfolio of credit and political risk insurance policies. During this time, Will focused on underwriting the credit risk associated with project finance for businesses within the real asset ecosystem, writing bespoke political risk insurance policies for firms operating in emerging and frontier markets, and supporting physical commodity traders in cross-border trade execution. Will also served as strategic and economic advisor to NATO ISAF in Kabul, Afghanistan. In that role, he advised senior leadership at the one- and two-star general staff level on various issues, including economic development, counter-corruption, and planning for the 2014 presidential election. He also served as the flag writer for General Rick Waddell, commander of a joint interagency counter-corruption task force. Will is a Graduate of Trinity College and holds a Masters in Government from Harvard University. Will is a member of the Value Investors Club and has won or been a finalist in several investment contests, including Sohn and the VanBiema Associates Small Cap Challenge hosted by SumZero. He is consistently ranked as one of the top analysts on SumZero, a buyside community of 10,000+ members.

About the guest speaker:

Adam Lundin serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of both Lundin Mining and Filo Corp. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Lucara Diamond Corp., NGEx Minerals Ltd., and the Lundin Foundation. Adam has many years of experience in capital markets and public company management across the natural resources sector. His background includes oil & gas and mining technology, investment advisory, international finance, and executive management. He began his career working for several Lundin Group mining companies in various countries before moving into finance where he specialized in institutional equity sales, ultimately becoming co-head of the London office for an international securities firm. For more than five decades and three generations, the Lundin Group has created meaningful value through responsible resource development at scale. The Lundin Group company portfolio has a strong operating foothold in Chile’s Atacama region, including a controlling interest in an emerging giant copper-gold-silver district located between two established mining belts straddling the Chile/Argentina border.

Hingham Institution for Savings and the US Regional Banking Sector

January 5, 2024 in Equities

This report is authored by MOI Global instructor Gwen Hofmeyr, equity research analyst at Folly Partners, based in Victoria, British Columbia.

Gwen is an instructor at Best Ideas 2024.

Since the Silicon Valley Bank crisis in March of this year, the banking industry has been dismissed as uninvestable by almost every smart person I’ve spoken to, spare for a couple weirdos that I managed to convince otherwise.

Common responses to my interest in US regional banks have gone along the lines of:

  • “There are too many regional banks in the US to analyze. There are a lot fewer in Canada.”
  • “I don’t look at banks because I don’t think that I can understand them.”
  • “I feel that the US banking sector is weak following the SVB debacle and therefore I don’t want to invest.”

A lot of the commentary builds on sentiment held since the Great Financial Crisis that banks are black boxes riddled with complexity and moral hazard, and that the work required to discern between the flowers and the weeds is not worth the effort.

My research findings disagree, as not only are there many banks run by credible underwriters with simple balance sheets, I have uncovered one that I think deserves to be in a textbook: Hingham Institution for Savings (NASDAQ:HIFS).

Through comparative analysis of 138 companies included in the SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF (NYSEARCA:KRE), I provide context for why I believe Hingham Institution for Savings is one of the best banks in the US, with performance vastly exceeding KRE averages on the basis of efficiency, profitability, and managerial prowess.

To truly understand a business, you must understand it in relation to other companies within its industry. In total, my dataset for the report comprised nearly 3,600 data points, most of which were manually derived at the report-level. Through analysis of the data over the course of many late nights, I now have a sound understanding of what I like to see in a bank, but most importantly, I confirmed my suspicion that Hingham is an unusual one.

I feel as though I have barely scratched the surface of the US regional banking industry, yet the general apathy towards the sector, in tandem with the tremendous analytical work required for understanding, leads me to conclude that the sector is ripe for further analysis; for opportunity is most often found where people are unwilling to look.

The India Story: Krish Mehta on the Long-Term Investment Case

December 27, 2023 in Equities, Letters

This article is authored by MOI Global instructor Krish Mehta, investment analyst at Enam Holdings, based in Mumbai, India.

Krish is an instructor at Best Ideas 2024.

Much has been written and spoken about India’s ascent as an emerging economy and about the Indian stock market over the past few months. However, if we assess the fundamental drivers for India to become a $10 trillion economy by 2030, there is a lot of merit to the attention the country is drawing currently.

With a per capita income of $2600 slated to go to $4000 by 2028 (as per IMF), and favorable demographics with a median age of 28[1], supported by a strong fiscal position, India seems to have all the structural drivers in place.

While the argument can be made that the structural factors have always been in India’s favor, what is different this time?

There are several factors that have dramatically changed from the past, which are part of the evolution in a developing economy. Firstly, there has been a strong government push on capex and a reduction in wasteful expenditure. Analyzing the data over the past four political regimes in India spanning two decades, the data shows the increasing focus on capex and infrastructure (as seen below).



Given this capex push and focus on infrastructure, the government is translating policy goals into action. Infrastructural development and bridging the gap between rural and urban India is a key foundational pillar for the path to $10 trillion. Moreover, every Indian has been given a unique digital identity through Aadhar. With the linkage between Aadhar and new bank accounts particularly for new to bank customers, India has seen a rapid adoption of digital payments and efficient transfer of government subsidies to the target beneficiaries. Today, India has over a billion mobile phone users and consumes the highest mobile data per smartphone user in the world (as seen below).


The widespread digital adoption in India is evidenced by the success of UPI (as seen below).


With GDP per capita forecasted to rise from $2600 to $4,000 by 2028, credit growth will be central to India’s economic growth. The banking sector will be critical for India’s incremental growth ambitions in the coming decades and is poised to take off.

If the economy were to grow at 7-8% p.a. in real terms and 11-12% in nominal terms, credit growth will be in the mid to high teens for sustainable and well-rounded economic growth.


The table above shows the household assets in India by asset class. Given the low level of financial assets compared to physical assets, there is tremendous room for the financialization to go up in India. The financialization trend will be driven by bank deposits, insurance funds, pension funds and equity investments. As this share goes up with incremental household savings being invested in financial assets, banks will play a fundamental role and grow at a multiplier of nominal GDP growth (mid to high teens).

While viewing the market share dynamics, the high market share of public sector banks in the economy’s banking system (65%), leaves plenty of room for efficient private banks to gain market share and grow their businesses. One such private bank that has been the best-in-class lender for over two decades is HDFC Bank. Post the merger with HDFC Limited (it’s parent mortgage entity), the bank has a behemoth balance sheet of $300 billion and a market capitalization of $150 billion.

Having produced best in class growth (20%), ROA (2%), ROE (20%) and having maintained a highly conservative risk framework since inception, HDFC Bank is best placed to capitalize on the ongoing economic growth India is witnessing and will witness in the coming decades. It will play a central role in India’s growth ambitions, as validated by RBI’s classification of the bank as a Domestic Systemically Important Bank.

[1] World Population Prospects (WPP)
[2] https://theprint.in/economy/rising-capex-share-falling-subsidy-burden-how-modi-govts-spending-priorities-differ-from-upas/1896931/
[3] https://theprint.in/economy/rising-capex-share-falling-subsidy-burden-how-modi-govts-spending-priorities-differ-from-upas/1896931/
[4] Ericsson Mobility Report 2023
[5] NPCI
[6] RBI, AMFI, Jefferies

Best Ideas 2024 Preview: Lollapalooza of Scale, Consolidation, and Growth

December 26, 2023 in Best Ideas Conference, Letters

This article is authored by MOI Global instructor Keith Smith, fund manager at Bonhoeffer Fund, based in Rochester, New York.

Keith is an instructor at Best Ideas 2024.

What are the characteristics of a good investment theme? First, the investments that are a part of the theme must generate an adequate expected return. In today’s interest rate environment, where an investor can obtain low teens expected returns from well underwritten first lien debt on a growing capital light firm, the expected returns need to be at least in the mid to high teens. Positive equity returns are generated from two sources:

1) from growth in underlying firm cash flows as a result of being internally re-invested, shares being repurchased or paid out as dividends, and

2) the increase in the cash flow valuation multiple the market applies to the cash flows.

The more predictable source is through growth as changes in cash flow multiples reflect the speculative element of market pricing. Therefore, in searching for higher expected returns, growth should carry most if not all the load. Lower multiples provide a margin of safety against multiple contraction and should not be relied upon to generate most of the return. If multiple expansion occurs, it is a bonus.

Another characteristic of a good investment theme is that it should be applicable to multiple industries and have generated excess returns in the past. Consolidation is one such theme. Over the past few years, a number of industries have gone through consolidation with economics of the leading firms in the industry getting better with time. In many cases, the valuation of these consolidating firms are based upon their historical performance and not their improving current and future performance. Thus, there is a lag associated with valuation multiple appreciation as well as cash flow appreciation. This can lead to a favorable situation where both cash flows and multiples increase at the same time. Three examples of the growth/consolidation theme are found in our subject companies (North American Construction, The Ashtead Group and Builders FirstSource).

Consolidation and organic growth are important sources of scale for many businesses. Evidence of scale is seen in higher margins and higher asset turns over time. Scale occurs primarily at either a local level (as in retailing businesses) or on a national level (as in consumer durables or staples). As a firm grows, bureaucracy can dilute the positive effects of scale. Scale can also enhance larger players’ moats, as the larger firms can afford technology to improve productivity, reduce bureaucracy and provide less costly and more timely products and services.

Consolidation can occur geographically or functionally along a value chain. If done geographically and if more synergies are realized locally than nationally, cluster or customer density are important. Generally, fragmented markets are consolidated via both organic growth (gaining market share) and consolidation. Depending upon the difficulty, cost and timing of gaining market share and the price of an M&A targets, many times M&A is a better approach to consolidation than organic growth.

An interesting question is where in the consolidation life cycle does it make sense to invest? In the emerging portion of the life cycle (the top firm have less than 1% of market share), many of the economies of scale and synergies are not reflected in the financials of the firm so the valuations are typically lower and potential for growth is higher. Specialization can create favorable economics in the emerging portion of the life cycle. Later on, in the consolidation lifecycle, the economies of scale and synergies are more evident in the financials, but the valuation is typically higher. Investing in these consolidation situations as they develop can benefit from an increase in business quality not reflected in the recent price. All of the firms examined below have expected equity returns of greater than 20%.

The first firm we will look at is North American Construction (US: NOA), which is specializing in mining construction services (including moving dirt and road construction and repair) in remote locations for both mining and infrastructure firms. This a nascent fragmented market in North America and Australia. The mining segment of the construction services market is fragmented with many players having less than 1% market share. NOA has developed operational key performance indicators (“KPI”)s (such as equipment utilization) to help estimate NOA’s return in invested capital (“RoIC”) for projects they bid on. These KPIs provide guidance on what projects to bid on. A few other high RoIC specialty construction services firms have recently emerged in Australia, namely Duratec and Mader, which also focus on specific segments of the construction services market. Beginning in oil sands construction services, NOA over time has expanded its functional footprint (into mine management services) and geographic footprint (into Australia). NOA’s management team has also used traditional capital allocation such as leverage and share buybacks to enhance shareholder returns over time.

The second firm is the Ashtead Group (UK: AHT), which has historically rolled up and gained market share in the equipment rental market in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Equipment rental firms can achieve local economies of scale (clustering) through shared equipment pools (higher utilization), cross selling opportunities, technology automation and service opportunities. Ashtead uses a hybrid consolidation approach. Ashtead purchases firms providing new rental equipment types (such as cleaning equipment) or equipment rental firms in new geographic areas. Once a beachhead is established, Ashtead relies on organic growth for growth within a region or functional area. Ashtead has developed a nationwide distribution platform where new products and services can easily be distributed and provided to its customers. In addition, Ashtead’s management team has used traditional earnings growth techniques such as leverage and share buybacks when Ashtead’s stock price is low and there are no immediate consolidation opportunities available in the market.

The third firm is Builders FirstSource (US: BLDR), which has rolled-up and gained market share across different segments and geographic regions for the supply of value-added building products and building product distribution across the United States. As a part of the roll-up process, BFS is increasing its total addressable market both geographically and via new product/service offerings. Like Ashtead, BFS has developed a nationwide distribution platform for the distribution of new value-added building products and services. BFS’ management team has also used traditional earnings growth techniques such as leverage and share buybacks when BFS’ stock price is low and there are no immediate consolidation opportunities available in the market.

Experimental Economics and Bubbles in the Laboratory

December 22, 2023 in Best Ideas Conference, Letters

This article is authored by MOI Global instructor Javier Lopez Bernardo, portfolio manager and senior investment analyst at BrightGate Capital, based in Madrid.

Javier is an instructor at Best Ideas 2024.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the valuations of most developed economy market equity indices (with the possible exception of the UK and a few other countries) remain at the highest levels in history, regardless of which metric is used (sales, gross margins, profits, Tobin’s q) and which normalisation factor is applied (CAPE, last year’s earnings, forward earnings, etc.). Historical experience shows that excessive valuations always lead to poor future returns, due to the simple fact of financial mathematics, which shows that one of the determinants of returns is the original purchase price.

What is most surprising, however, is not that valuations are in bubble territory, but that valuations are at the same level as in 2021 (which was already dramatically high), but with substantially higher interest rates. Clearly, the rise in interest rates has not had the effect that conventional financial theory would suggest. The other monetary variables through which central banks implement monetary policy, such as the size of their balance sheet, have also been more restrictive in relative terms compared to 2021 (although disagreement among analysts on this point), adding more unknowns as to what may be behind all this speculative process.

I would like to pause to analyse the role that investor psychology may be playing in this whole process. This is not a subject I like to talk about lightly, especially given my background as a macroeconomist (in macroeconomics we like to think that by modelling a few aggregate variables we can understand the behaviour of many other variables) and the fact that the effects of psychology on the economy are generally difficult to quantify.

On this last point, a branch of economics known as experimental economics, popularised by the economist Vernon Smith (who shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics with Daniel Kahneman), has made great strides in recent decades in studying the formation of asset prices under laboratory conditions. For the purposes of this letter, I will only mention some of the findings of experimental economics on the formation of financial asset prices.

The classic experiment consists of gathering a group of participants, giving them an initial endowment of cash (say, dollars) and shares (not all receive the same ratio of cash to shares, but they do receive the same monetary value), and letting them buy and sell freely. The experiments last for fifteen rounds. At the beginning of each round, participants start trading their assets, and at the end of the round all the trades are tallied and the average price at which the trades occurred is calculated.

The key to understanding why such experiments are so illustrative is the way in which potential stock returns are determined. It is assumed that the stock pays a random dividend in each round, and that at the end of the fifteen rounds the stock has no residual value; in other words, the stock is only valuable in terms of the dividends it pays.[1] The most typical form usually adopted by those designing the experiment is to assume that the stock dividends follow the following probability function:

Dividend Probability
0 25%
8 25%
28 25%
60 25%

That is, in each round, the expected dividend is $24. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the intrinsic value of this simple stock at the start of the game should be $24 x 15 = $360, and that this value will drop monotonically over the rounds by the amount of the average dividend.

What is really interesting about these experiments is that this simple setup leads participants to make erroneous valuations of the asset – and by a huge margin.

For example, the graph below shows one such experiment, the results of which were published in 2016. The descending black line shows what the intrinsic value should be in each round of the game, while the other lines show the participants’ current behaviour. The green line shows the bubble that would occur in a neutral emotional state for the participants. As the game progresses, the bubble swells more and more in terms relative to the intrinsic value of the stock, until in round 9 the average price participants are willing to pay is $400, while the intrinsic value is around $175, implying an overvaluation of 2.3 times!

Source: Andrade et al. (2016), Bubbling with Excitement: An Experiment, p.453.

The results are even more grotesque if at the beginning of the experiment the participants are subjected to tests that icnrease their level of euphoria (yellow line) or fear (red line). In these cases, the bubbles inflate further and take longer to adjust; in fact, they never quite adjust, since in the last round, for example, the average price at which trades are executed is around $100, compared with an intrinsic value of $24 (the expected value of a single dividend).

Curiously, even in a state of fear, participants are susceptible to being swept up in the collective euphoria – the fear of missing out effect in all its glory!

Experimental economics has conducted many such games in recent decades, using small variations in the initial setup of the experiment to determine the extent to which certain factors determine the behaviour of bubbles. Some of the main factors that have been documented to facilitate the emergence, size and intensity of a bubble are:

  • The proportion of experienced versus inexperienced participants. Obviously, the more people participate in the experiment, the more accurate their stock valuations become.
  • A more uncertain statistical distribution of the dividend.
  • A statistical distribution of the dividend that includes the probability, albeit small, of outsize potential returns.
  • Buying on margin is allowed.
  • Interestingly, the possibility of short selling. Although short sellers tend to have a better understanding of the fundamental price of the stock in these experiments, they tend to start shorting very early, and then have to cover their losses at the peak of the bubble, which is thus prolonged over time.

The results of these experiments have profound implications for the functioning of markets in the real world because, as we have seen, bubbles can form even in simple environments. It is obviously difficult to know the extent to which any of these conditions are present in the real world, but I have no doubt that after a decade of easy money, financial market participants are clearly feeling exuberant.

I also believe that there are other factors behind the gains in equity indices so far this year. The proportion of people with little experience in the markets may be higher than ever (as evidenced by the rise of platforms such as Robin Hood and the retail investor), uncertainty is high (geopolitics, viruses, supply chains etc), the ability to buy and sell assets with highly skewed statistical distributions is also at high levels (as evidenced by the recent casino around the buy/sell of zero days to expiry options) and finally short sellers who have recently thrown in the towel by having to close out their positions.

Experimental economics can tell us why a bubble is forming, but unfortunately it cannot tell us how long it will last. In my view, and as I explain below, the best way to protect ourselves from these events is simply to be invested in assets that are free of these dynamics and in which we have confidence that their intrinsic value will continue to rise over time.

[1]In fact, as there are no interest rates or discount rates (the fifteen rounds are played back-to-back), the experiment is considerably simplified by relieving participants of the tedious task of discounting future dividends.

Disruption in Weight Loss Drugs, and the Dangers of Buying Into Hype

December 22, 2023 in Best Ideas Conference, Letters

This article is authored by MOI Global instructor Jeff Auxier, president of Auxier Asset Management, based in Lake Oswego.

Jeff is an instructor at Best Ideas 2024.

Over the last several years, more companies have gone public with sky-high valuations, little-to-no profit and big promises of transforming their markets. When money was cheap it was easy for a new business to attract significant investment. Not so today as the spigot is shut off.

One company that fell victim to overhype is Beyond Meat which went public in May of 2019. The alternative meat company’s stock surged 163% on its first day of trading which at the time made it one of the best day-one performances for an IPO in nearly 20 years. JPMorgan originally estimated that Beyond Meat would be able to grow their sales to $5 billion in 15 years. The hope was that millions would abandon traditional meat for plant-based meat which was deemed to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. After the IPO, the market consensus was for Beyond Meat to turn free cash flow positive by 2022 and have compound annual sales growth of around 40%. Instead sales fell 10% that year and they have yet to attain positive free cash flow even today. The company continues to struggle due to factors like its premium price and low availability. Since the stock’s all-time high in July of 2019, it has fallen over 95%.

Another more extreme example of a torpedo is WeWork. Its valuation ballooned to $47 billion in 2019 before crashing to less than $100 million today and it is closing in on bankruptcy. Euphoria surrounding the growth of electric vehicles led Rivian’s valuation to surpass $120 billion before the company reported even a single dollar in revenue. The company’s valuation has since fallen to under $16 billion.

The Robinhood trading app tried to capitalize on the massive IPO craze by going public in 2021 with a peak market cap of over $45 billion. Since then the stock has declined over 80% to a market cap of around $9 billion. Talk is cheap and the markets tend to eventually punish bad behavior.

Disruption in Weight Loss Drugs

New weight loss drugs have recently become increasingly popular; some are proclaiming them as the next big breakthrough in the health industry. These products, called GLP-1 agonists, work by making patients feel less hungry and can also affect how the body absorbs fat. Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are the two leaders in this new market which analysts at Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan estimate could reach $100 billion by 2030.

Some investors are concerned that these drugs will be so effective at curbing appetites that they could fundamentally change consumption patterns and impact demand for businesses like food and beverage companies. Investors worry that fast food restaurants already contending with rising inflation will also have to deal with a potential loss in customers if the use of weight loss drugs becomes more common. It is estimated that just over 42% of US adults are obese and could potentially be prescribed weight loss drugs.

Wall Street has been quick to herald these drugs as the ultimate healthcare product, but it is important to take a more cautious stance, especially in the early stages of research. There are still many unknowns surrounding these treatments, specifically around potential side effects like thyroid tumors, pancreatitis, diarrhea and nausea. It is expensive too, with an average monthly cost for shots of around $1000.

In the third quarter excitement over these drugs led to indiscriminate selling in food, beverage, medtech and medical devices to name a few examples. It is similar to the selloff in traditional food stocks when Beyond Meat went public as referenced earlier in the letter. McDonald’s believes there are currently about five million people using obesity drugs with the potential to increase to 15 million in the next few years, which they figure could hurt volumes by one half a percent. Pepsi and Starbucks have seen no change in demand year to date.

Energy was the best performing S&P 500 sector during the quarter, up 12.2%. Continued supply cuts by OPEC+ have kept oil prices elevated as the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude rose by 29% in the third quarter. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects that OPEC+ will keep production limited for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. They forecast an average Brent Crude spot price of $91 per barrel in the fourth quarter and an average of $95 per barrel for 2024. The recent conflict in Israel has fueled fears over the stability of global oil markets as there are uncertainties around what countries like Iran will do in response to escalations. Iran is one of the largest producers of oil in the world and in August their output reached 3.1 million barrels per day, the highest since 2018 (Reuters). Potential Iranian involvement should lead the US to enforce stricter sanctions on the country’s oil exports. Iran also controls the Strait of Hormuz which is the most important oil checkpoint in the world, with around 20% of global oil supply passing through daily.

Insurance Hard Market

Property casualty stocks are enjoying a hard-pricing market. Global commercial insurance pricing increased for most lines of coverage in the third quarter, according to Marsh McLennan, marking the longest run of consecutive quarterly rate hikes since 2012. US property rates are up 14% for the quarter. Auto insurance rates are up 15.5%, with rates in Florida up 88% and electric vehicles up over 70%. Disciplined operators benefit from rising prices and rising premium volume. In addition, higher interest rates improve portfolio cash flows. The insurance component of the S&P 500 trades at 12 times next year’s earnings, a steep discount to the overall market. We have a wide exposure to the property casualty industry with names like Berkshire Hathaway, Travelers, AIG, Marsh McLennan, AON and Ryan. In addition, health-related insurers like Aflac, UnitedHealth and Elevance are seeing positive fundamentals in pricing and volume trends.

In Closing

On a recent multistate trip we visited the new $40 billion Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC) facility under construction in North Phoenix. The amount of cement required is straining supplies for the entire metro area. Over 60% of the workforce for that plant will have a masters or higher degree. This is just one of several plants going in as a result of the government CHIPS act. That roughly $52.7 billion stimulus has attracted another $200 billion in private funds which is just starting to filter through the economy. In addition, $433 billion of government spending is earmarked over the next 10 years under the Inflation Reduction Act. It is hard to see a recession in those industries related to such massive fiscal stimulus.

Most stocks and bonds have been in a grueling bear market for two years. More than half the Russell 3000 stocks are down over the past twelve months. Usually the last third of a bear market is a capitulation and the most painful. We are finally seeing attractive values in many businesses that have been experiencing multiple compression with tighter money, especially in smaller companies. Our biggest winners coming out of the 2000-2002 bear market were in smaller companies like Scottsdale credit card processor eFunds. It traded at a single digit p/e under $10, was debt free and ultimately acquired by private equity for over $37. During these challenging market conditions we strive to add value by mitigating risk through our cumulative knowledge and experience along with a ramped-up research effort. Our research centers on the earnings power and growing intrinsic value of the individual businesses we own. Longer term there is a direct correlation to the earnings and ultimate stock price return.

Gokul Raj Ponnuraj on Value Investing in Developing and Developed Markets

November 24, 2023 in Audio, Equities, Full Video, Interviews

We had the pleasure of speaking with value investor Gokul Raj Ponnuraj, portfolio manager at Bavaria Industries Group AG (Germany: B8A), an owner-operated investment holding company, based in Munich, Germany.

MOI Global’s Rohith Potti hosted Gokul Raj for this exclusive interview.

Gokul Raj Ponnuraj is a value investor with a focus on small and mid-cap compounders and spin-off’s with a bias towards emerging markets. He has been investing in the Indian markets since 2006 and in global markets since 2017. Gokul Raj manages the public equities portfolio at Bavaria Industries Group. The firm uses its balance sheet assets (permanent capital) to invest in opportunities with an attractive risk-reward trade off. Gokul Raj holds a Master in Finance degree from London Business School and a CFA charterholder.

Gokul Raj is an MOI Global instructor and has presented multiple ideas.

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Shyam Sekhar on Value-Oriented Investing in India

November 7, 2023 in Asia, Audio, Equities, Full Video, Interviews

We had the pleasure of speaking with value investor Shyam Sekhar, founder of ithought Financial Consulting, an investment advisory firm, based in Chennai, India.

MOI Global contributor Rohith Potti hosted Shyam for this exclusive interview.

Shyam Sekhar is the ideator and founder of ithought Financial Consulting LLP. He is an active and renowned value investor with over 30 years of experience in financial markets. His focus as an investor has been on identifying investment opportunities in emerging companies through a sound research driven process. Shyam also built the first independent proprietary equity research desk in Chennai. He is an advocate for investor awareness. He was president of Tamil Nadu Investors Association (TIA) from 2012-2015. He is an active speaker in public forums and is a regular columnist at Dinamalar and Livemint.

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J.Dennis Jean-Jacques on His Idea Search Criteria and Selection Process

October 26, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

J.Dennis Jean-Jacques of Ocean Park Investments discussed his investment approach, idea generation process, and selected areas of opportunity at European Investing Summit 2023.

Dennis has also authored an illuminating article on investing in dislocations.

For additional background, enjoy our original interview with Dennis.

The full session is available exclusively to members of MOI Global.

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About the instructor:

J.Dennis Jean-Jacques serves as Founder and Chief Investment Officer at Ocean Park Investments LP. He is an accomplished and seasoned investor having invested approximately more than $3.2 billion of client capital in the US and European public markets during various market cycles over 20 years.

For a decade, prior to Ocean Park, Mr. Jean-Jacques was a Managing Director and portfolio manager at alternative platforms including Verition Fund. Prior to running low net, alternative strategies, Mr. Jean-Jacques was an investor in the Public Equities Division at Olayan Investment Group and apprenticed at Mutual Shares focusing on companies undergoing or likely to undergo significant change, dislocations and other unique special situations with a strategy and asset mix consisting of domestic and foreign equities, arbitrage positions, shareholder activism and bankruptcy positions. For ten years, Mr. Jean-Jacques served as a board advisor and as an actively engaged shareholder in several campaigns including in the operational restructuring of a global industrial company, the outright sale of an American appliance manufacturer, and, at the boardroom level, helped lead the break-up of an S&P 500 conglomerate where his work was profiled in BARRON’s, Business Week and The Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Jean-Jacques is also an author on portfolio construction, valuation and risk management where his published work, “The Five Keys to Value Investing” is used at many universities and has been translated into three languages including Mandarin Chinese. He began his investment career at Fidelity Investments in equity research in 1993. Mr. Jean-Jacques received a BSSE from Boston University College of Engineering and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Eurofins: Quality Business With Continuing Structural Growth

October 20, 2023 in Audio, Diary, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Europe, European Investing Summit 2023, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts

Stuart Mitchell of S. W. Mitchell Capital presented his investment thesis on Eurofins (France: ERF) at European Investing Summit 2023.

The full session is available exclusively to members of MOI Global.

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About the instructor:

Stuart Mitchell is the Managing Partner and CIO of S. W. Mitchell Capital and the Investment Manager of the SWMC European Fund, as well as a number of managed accounts.

Prior to founding SWMC in 2005 Stuart was a Principal, Director and Head of Specialist Equities at JO Hambro Investment Management (JOHIM, now Waverton Investment Management). At JOHIM he set up and managed the Charlemagne Fund, a long/short European fund, and the JOHIM European Fund, a long only European fund. The JOHIM European Fund rose by 133% since inception in December 1998 until March 2005 compared with 8% for the benchmark index and was number 1 rated by Micropal within its sector and three star ranked by S&P.

Upon leaving university in 1987 Stuart joined Morgan Grenfell Asset Management (MGAM) and soon afterwards assumed responsibility for managing the continental European equity assets for MGAM’s British pension fund clients. Stuart was appointed a director of MGAM in 1996. He was then made Head of European Equities and was responsible for $27 billion of equity assets. Whilst at MGAM he managed the Morgan Grenfell European Fund which rose by 123% from January 1990 to June 1996 compared with 85% for the benchmark index and was awarded 1st place by Micropal (5 year awards) in 1996.

Stuart was born in Scotland and educated at Fettes College and St. Andrews University where he read Medieval History. He is also a graduate of the Owner/President Management programme from the Harvard Business School. Stuart speaks English and French.

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