Fund Manager Jeevan Patwa on the Chemicals Sector in India

July 24, 2023 in Asia, Audio, Equities, Full Video, Interviews

We had the pleasure of speaking with Jeevan Patwa, founder and chief investment officer of Sahasrar Capital, based in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Jeevan has more than two decades of experience in finance, engineering, and information technology. He has been active in the Indian stock market since 2004, a period during which Indian equities have gone through phases of boom and bust. Jeevan has developed deep expertise in the pharma, chemicals, IT, and consumer sectors.

MOI Global contributor Rohith Potti hosted Jeevan for this exclusive interview.

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KKR: Earning Power Growth Not Accurately Reflected in Recent EV

June 25, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Andrew Macken of Montaka Global Investments presented his investment thesis on KKR & Co. Inc. (US: KKR) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

Thesis summary:

Building on its successful nearly fifty-year history, Andrew views KKR as a high-probability long-term winner in the alternative asset management space.

This is a particularly pertinent idea because the alternatives industry is in the early stages of three large structural tailwinds, associated with: (1) Asia, (2) insurance, and (3) retail / private wealth. It appears likely that a disproportionate share of this growth will be captured by the biggest brands with the most tenured track records.

KKR shareholders are set to participate in a reliably growing earnings stream with minimal capital intensity. KKR’s significantly higher future earning power is not being adequately reflected in the recent stock price.

The full session is available exclusively to members of MOI Global.

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About the instructor:

Andrew Macken is the Co-Founder and CIO of Montaka Global Investments, a global equity manager based in Sydney and New York. Prior to establishing Montaka, Andrew worked as a senior member of Jim Chanos’ research team at Kynikos Associates, a global equity long/short fund based in New York. Andrew holds a Master of Business Administration (Dean’s List) from the Columbia Business School in New York. Andrew also graduated with High Distinction with a Master of Commerce; and First Class Honours with a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of New South Wales in Sydney.

The content of this website is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security. The content is distributed for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation to sell or buy any security or other investment, or undertake any investment strategy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or results obtained from any information set forth on this website. BeyondProxy’s officers, directors, employees, and/or contributing authors may have positions in and may, from time to time, make purchases or sales of the securities or other investments discussed or evaluated herein.

CDW: Scale-Advantaged Value-Added Reseller With Growth Runway

June 25, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Alex Furmanski of Unison Asset Management presented his investment thesis on CDW Corporation (US: CDW) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

Thesis summary:

CDW is a value-added reseller (VAR) of IT products to small- and medium-sized businesses in the US, Canada, and the UK. It is the largest VAR in the US at almost three times the size of its nearest competitor.

CDW consistently earns returns on capital in excess of 25% due to low capital intensity (capex is only 1% of sales). The company’s moat stems from its scale, which allows CDW to get more favorable pricing from partners. EBIT margins of 7.5% are almost twice the level of peers. Smaller competitors, with margins of roughly 3%, struggle to beat their cost of capital.

The VAR industry is highly fragmented, with CDW having only 5% share of the addressable market. The company has outgrown the US IT market by 300+ basis points since 2009. CDW’s runway for growth is ample, and Alex expects the company to continue gaining share from smaller players and benefiting from higher IT spending trends.

With the shares trading at under 18x 2023E consensus earnings, Alex believes the shares offer compelling value.

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This session is also available as an episode of Discover Great Ideas, a member podcast of MOI Global. (Learn how to access member podcasts.)

The following transcript has been edited for space and clarity.

Alex Furmanski: I joined the MOI community over 10 years ago, but I had not engaged actively until recently. I have attended several of your in-person events and found the quality of the people to be great. Hopefully, the idea I’m presenting today adds to the discourse. I very much look forward to continued engagement.

Let me start with a brief overview of our company. Unison is a long-only, concentrated public equities partnership. Our portfolio is typically made up of 20 to 25 positions with a U.S. bias spanning across market caps and sectors. The firm was founded in 2017 and is based in Miami. We currently have $175 million in AUM. Our approach is pretty straightforward. We use a private owner mental model to find great businesses with durable competitive advantages. We look to buy these companies at attractive prices with a sufficient discount or margin of safety to their intrinsic value, then hold them for as long as they stay great, which can range from several years to ideally forever.

Throughout our process, there are two main questions we try to answer. The first one is how good the business in question is, and the answer can be poor, average, good, or great, which is largely a qualitative exercise. The second question is how much the business is worth. Ultimately, we determine that by building a DCF. It’s a largely quantitative exercise, but as we know, an Excel spreadsheet can tell you whatever you want to know. The output is only as good as the variables you’re putting into it. This is where we spend the majority of our time during our research process.

To answer these two questions, we look at four pillars. Number one is product. A question we love to ask ourselves is, “If the product or service of the company we’re looking at were to disappear tomorrow, would anyone miss it?” We try to quantify the unit economics of the product and define the value proposition for the customer. Our goal is to hone in on the key value drivers and get a sense of how these might change going forward.

In terms of people, alignment is critical. Ideally, the companies we invest in have a large insider ownership. We look for good capital allocators. Here, we pay a lot of attention to their historical track record. Are they buying back shares constantly to avoid dilution from stock options? Is it more opportunistic based on the stock price?

The third pillar is the balance sheet. Here, the emphasis is making sure the business has a thoughtful capital structure that can withstand hard times.

Lastly, we consider the moat. We’ve developed a framework largely inspired by the work of Michael Porter, who is the patron saint of competitive analysis, if you will. We like to call it our CAF – competitive advantage framework. It forces us to grade the intensity of the competitive forces within an industry, and, to the extent possible, qualify the source and durability of a business’s competitive advantage.

The output of this process is what we call our tiered list, which contains what we believe to be the best businesses to own in public markets across the world. That list has a little south of 100 names on it. Many times, what we do is observe them and wait for Mr. Market to present us with a price that makes sense.

In terms of what makes Unison different, there are three key things to highlight. The first is alignment. The owners of Unison are the largest investors in our funds. We have the preponderance of our liquid net worth invested in our funds. We have family, friends, and close people invested as well. In short, we do eat our own cooking.

Two, we’ve actively sought out a like-minded capital base that allows us to invest patiently and prudently for the long term. This is a critical point. For example, last year, which was a very difficult one in the markets, we came out fairly well. The reason is that we avoided paying high prices for many of the businesses on our watch list because we have patient capital.

Last and somewhat tied to this is our unique style. We saw in a recent presentation from a peer that we’re definitely in the minority. How do we define that? They came up with a study where they quantified that only 1% of money in global equities is invested using a concentrated value investing approach like ours. That’s defined as one position greater than 5% and annual turnover of less than 30%. If you look at our portfolio today, probably a third of the names have been with us since we started managing capital on our own in 2011. The turnover in our portfolio is south of 15%. Tying this back to this summit, the only way you can truly invest for the long term is by emphasizing moats.

With that prelude, let me jump straight into the idea we’re presenting today, CDW Corp. The cover of Forbes magazine in November 1998 featured the title “Artificial Intelligence Gets Real.” The company profiled in that issue was, and unless you were active in the markets back then, you probably don’t recognize the name because the company no longer exists. We’re here today to talk not about high tech defined as artificial intelligence. We’re here to talk about low tech. The key message is that boring can often be better in investing and that hype and narratives often get blown out of proportion.

Since CDW’s second IPO in 2013, the company’s stock has done fairly well. It has gone up by 833%, which is a CAGR of 25%. We’ve been fortunate enough to own it since the pre-Unison days, buying our first shares in 2014. In contrast, pcOrder’s stock peaked at around $80 in 1999 and subsequently went essentially to zero.

What does CDW do? The company is the largest value-added reseller (VAR) of IT products to small and medium-sized businesses in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Essentially, it helps tech companies of all sizes sell to small and medium-sized businesses as well as smaller government clients. Its vendor partners range from mega tech incumbents such as Microsoft and Cisco to new challengers such as Splunk and Five9. CDW sells over 100,000 products from over 1,000 partners. Its reason for existence is that the customer base is highly fragmented, and it would be very impractical for IT vendors to reach it with their own sales forces, which usually focus on the bigger fish.

Would suppliers care if CDW vanished from the face of the earth tomorrow? I think the answer is unequivocally yes. The top five vendor partners do over a billion dollars in sales through CDW, and the next 15 vendor partners do over $100 million in sales. CDW is an extremely important partner for a lot of these tech companies. If you look at the entities that CDW works with, the list reads like a Who’s Who in the tech world. Pretty much every tech company you can think of works with CDW, including many of the AI providers that are in the news lately.

The company is headquartered right outside of Chicago. It had $24 billion in net sales in 2022, over 250,000 different customers, and 15,000 employees. It sits at number 166 on the Fortune 500 list. It is primarily a U.S. business, but it has expanded in more recent years, mainly because customers were requesting it in the U.K. and Canada.

One of the things we try to do when looking at a prospective investment is to understand the company’s history so we can understand its DNA. CDW was founded in 1984. It first IPO-ed in 1993. At the time, it had slightly south of $300 million in sales and 250 workers. By the time it switched from being a catalog-only provider to selling online in 1995, it had already reached over $600 million in sales. By 1997, it had surpassed a billion in sales and had roughly 1,000 workers. In 2001, it made it onto the Fortune 500 list at number 435, at which point it had almost $4 billion in sales. In 2007, the company was LBO-ed by Madison Dearborn – it then had $8 billion in sales and over 6,000 employees.

In 2013, CDW went public for the second time. By that point, it was generating $11 billion in sales and employing 7,000 people. Today, the company is making around $24 billion in sales and employing over 15,000. This is a company that has compounded its top line at 29% CAGR since inception and grown its worker count at a similar rate. Quite a journey and quite a history.

What is CDW’s value proposition? It is far more than a hardware seller. The company plays a critical role in designing, deploying, and providing after-market support for the IT infrastructure that it helps its partners with. It is an agnostic partner. When a customer comes to CDW with a problem, the company does all the technical work. It does the price comparison and determines what might be the best solution for the customer, be it on-prem, hybrid, or fully in the cloud.

CDW is incentivized to work within the parameters a customer provides because it is vendor-agnostic seeing as it works with pretty much all of the tech ecosystem. It can truly focus on what’s best for the customer. From the customer’s point of view, it makes CDW more efficient. It’s hugely impractical for a customer to vet and negotiate with dozens of different IT vendors, so working with CDW allows them to focus on their core efforts.

From 2013 through the first quarter of this year, CDW has made a very nice progression in terms of the top line, growing its net sales at 9% CAGR. In terms of gross profit, the CAGR is two points above net sales, which translates into a bit of operating leverage at the EBIT level. Progress has been even better on the net income front, with a CAGR of 17% on a non-GAAP basis. The net income differential CAGR is mainly due to the company being an LBO. As it paid down debt, that accrued and gave it more of a kicker.

Something I’d like to highlight is that the one constant in business is change. CDW has evolved from a pure hardware catalog seller to a seller of software and services as well, which has been accretive to margins. When the net revenues include these categories, which are now almost a third of sales, margins go from historically the mid-7% range to closer to 9% now. Another point is that the CAGR in the stock price has definitely benefited from multiple expansion. It’s mainly been driven by earnings growth, which is what we love to see as investors.

In terms of the customer breakdown, more than 50% of sales comes from corporate and small businesses. The sweet spot for CDW is businesses with fewer than 5,000 employees. Overall, sales are fairly well diversified. Government, education, and healthcare, which tend to be much less cyclical, make up an important part of the revenue stream. This is significant because IT spending is cyclical. When you hit a bump in the road, as in 2008, the corporate segment goes down – I think it was down more than 20%. At the same time, however, in 2008 and 2009, the government and education business grew. It’s important for the stability of earnings to have a diverse set of customers.

Now comes the fun part – talking about the moat. Allow me to lead with the following quote from Warren Buffett: “The key to investing is not assessing how much an industry is going to affect society or how much it will grow but rather determining the competitive advantage of any given company and, above all, the durability of that advantage.” I often find commentators in public markets miss this. It seems to be a continual search for growth – mainly top line growth in at least the short-term momentum of stock prices.

This quote is very powerful. Let me tie it back to something else Buffett said in a speech in 2001. He made the very interesting point that if you knew at the turn of the 20th century that horse carriages were eventually going to be displaced by cars, you’d not necessarily have made any money investing in the leading car makers of the time. In the 1920s and 1930s, there were three auto companies in the Dow Industrials – Studebaker, Nash-Kelvinator, and Hudson Motors. None of these companies exist anymore. Figuring out the economic characteristics of the winners in a growing business is not necessarily easy. I think that point is lost on many observers, commentators, and investors.

What’s the source of CDW’s moat that has allowed it to deliver such spectacular numbers? It comes down to scale. At Unison, we consider scale to be one of the strongest sources of moat. As it relates to CDW, it’s three times the size of its next largest competitor. This allows the company to get favorable pricing from its vendor partners and to have an EBIT margin more than twice that of its peers it’s 8.5%. While CDW thrives, a lot of its competitors struggle to beat the cost of capital at margins closer to 3%.

The second point related to scale is that CDW has 6,400 technical workers who can be brought to bear on any project a client might have. As IT solutions become more complex, the need for these capabilities increases, and so does the moat around CDW. Smaller competitors don’t have the same resources as CDW.

Somewhat tied to this is talent. If you look at the revenue per employee of CDW versus its two closest public competitors, Insight and PC Connection, you’ll see that the productivity of CDW’s employees is significantly higher. This becomes a virtuous circle where the best and brightest talent in the industry wants to work at CDW because they can make more money there.

How does the moat translate into returns? I’ve looked at a graphic from CDW showing the return on working capital. The company has very negligible tangible capital. Its capital is really its people. The capex spend as a percent of sales is less than 1%. The numbers are pretty impressive. We tend to focus a little more on return on incremental invested capital. For CDW, that metric is closer to the mid-20s range, which is still very attractive.

What’s the opportunity from here for CDW? The total tech stack spend in the U.S., the U.K, and Canada – the markets where CDW operates – is $1.4 trillion. Obviously, CDW doesn’t address all of this, but it does address roughly half a trillion dollars of spend. Given that its sales are at $24 billion, it controls around 5% of its total addressable market. What’s very interesting is that from 2006 through 2022, CDW’s net sales have outgrown U.S. IT spend by over 200 basis points per year. That accelerated after the 2009 crisis, with the company’s net sales growing over 300 basis points a year higher than the underlying market. There is a long runway for CDW to continue to grow and thrive.

Let’s turn to the valuation. The company is currently trading at a pretty reasonable value – 18 times consensus earnings estimates for 2023. To assess the margin of safety on this investment, we considered what penetration level of IT spend by increments of 100 basis points does to the valuation, both on a P/E and EV/EBIT basis. For example, if the company gains 100 basis points of market share, the effective multiple you’ll be paying is not 18 times but rather 15 times and the EV/EBIT is 12. If you believe that CDW will continue to gain share – which we do – the true multiple becomes a lot more palpable than the headline multiple.

Another key point is alignment. In this case, management has significant skin in the game. They own shares worth roughly $55 million. Interestingly, the CEO has bought around $2 million at current levels, including a buy in the last month. One thing we like to do when looking at a new situation is study the proxy statement and truly understand how management teams are being compensated. All human beings react to incentives. If boards are measuring the wrong metrics, you might end up with results you don’t like as a shareholder. In CDW’s case, we have a nice example of management comp structured to incentivize and align the management team with us as minority shareholders.

I’ve given you a lot of the reasons why you should buy CDW. Let’s now balance it with some of the risks. The first risk you’ll probably read about if you do a bit more research – at least perceived risk – is the transition to the cloud. The fear is that as more spend moves to the cloud, there’s less money to spend on on-prem servers and things like that.

What’s interesting is that the cost of running a whole IT structure on the cloud is not trivial. Some believe the total addressable market of these cloud companies is somewhat overhyped. For instance, when Dropbox went public in 2017, it alluded to $75 million in cumulative savings over two years prior to the IPO by optimizing its IT infrastructure and repatriating workloads from the public cloud into its own cloud. If you look online, you’ll see many other examples of companies that start working with the cloud, then all of a sudden, they see the size of the bills and decide that some of the workloads are better in the cloud and some are better on prem. The large cloud providers would lead us to believe that the TAM might be a lot bigger than it is.

There are other considerations – regulation, security, and control of the data also play an important role. We believe the transition to the cloud is not a zero-sum game. There’s definitely going to be an important part of workloads done in a hybrid-type environment. Even if you believe that everything will ultimately migrate to the cloud, companies will still need help integrating different cloud environments with different middleware. Most won’t put all their eggs in one basket, which would still leave CDW and other VARs with a pretty important role to play. That’s risk number one.

Risk number two is more of a near-term risk to earnings than anything else. The company – like many others – is cyclical and in a slowdown like the one we see now in the U.S. economy and tech spend, especially after the COVID madness. This impacts CDW. In the last month, it came out with a profit warning of sorts, saying that it expects the U.S. IT market to decline high single digits in 2023. The company still expects to outgrow the IT market by 200 to 300 basis points. Nonetheless, that’s a revision from its original guidance at the beginning of the year. That in and of itself is a short-term earnings risk. It’s somewhat discounted already in the stock price.

What’s nice about CDW is that since it’s very capital-light, it has a very flexible cost structure. A big part of its costs is sales commissions to its workers. As sales volume declines, so does this lever. For instance, during the GFC, revenue went down 11%, and EBIT was down 30%, but this isn’t a company that will lose money at the bad part of the tech cycle, as a lot of other tech companies might.

The third risk is leverage. We believe it’s manageable. The company is 2.5 times levered, but given the variable cost structure, it still has ample EBIT coverage on its balance sheet even in a bad environment.

The last one is execution. CDW has become more acquisitive in recent years, but its track record has been great in comparison to the track record of M&A in corporate America, which is abominable when you look at the statistics. Most importantly, management is being prudent in terms of capital allocation, with acquisitions not set on autopilot but only done when the right opportunity exists. For instance, CDW’s entrance into Canada and the U.K. was driven in large part by existing customers asking for solutions in those markets.

In conclusion, you have a best-in-class VAR trading at a below-market multiple with a long runway for growth at attractive ROICs. We’ve held it for nearly 10 years, and we hope to hold it for at least another 10.

The following are excerpts of the Q&A session with Alex Furmanski:

John Mihaljevic: On the capital allocation front, is there anything you might prioritize differently compared to what management is doing?

Furmanski: The answer is no. We’ve seen companies make all types of moves on the capital allocation front. I think CDW’s management have been extremely thoughtful in balancing share repurchases and M&A, acting only when it makes sense. We firmly believe that great opportunities in investing don’t come along every day. You’re lucky if you get a handful every couple of years. CDW has had the discipline to wait for those.

We like what the management team have done in terms of capital allocation. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they have their own egg nest in it, as we do.

Mihaljevic: In terms of data points to keep an eye on here to gauge how the thesis is playing out over time, what would be the key items to watch?

Furmanski: Return on incremental invested capital is always something we keep an eye on. Being mindful of spending cycles for different businesses, it’s a little different in the case of CDW because the capital spend is so light that it doesn’t affect that, but it definitely bears watching it in other businesses.

For this one in particular, return on incremental invested capital for us includes M&A spend and market share versus the broader IT industry in the United States. You can get those numbers from different providers – Gartner, IDC, etc. There’s a lot of public data on how much IT spending is growing; you can compare it to CDW to continue to track that thesis of market share growth, which has been unfolding very nicely over the last couple of years. We’d expect that to continue into the future.

Mihaljevic: In terms of the valuation, could you elaborate on how that compares to the historic range and how you would rate this opportunity through time? Is this a particularly good time to get long here?

Furmanski: We think it’s pretty interesting value at this point. Is it the cheapest it’s been in the last 10 years? No. When we first bought it, I think it was south of 14 times PE multiple.

The broader markets have had a lot of multiple expansion since then, but it is what it is. When you compare it to the broader S&P today at 20 times earnings, CDW is trading at a discount at 18 times. We believe it’s a company of higher quality. Most importantly, we believe the runway ahead of it is pretty long.

Mihaljevic: You described the moat quite eloquently. I’m wondering whether you could comment a bit further on the perennial view that these kinds of VARs are bound to get squeezed over time, that maybe in the very long term there may not be a need for these types of players. That’s been a charge for quite a while. It hasn’t panned out, but maybe you could provide a little more color on that for the very long term.

Furmanski: We go back to the quote that “the only constant in business is change.” Any business will require management teams to adapt to changing environments and circumstances. CDW started only with hardware, then it added software and more recently services.

We’ve done a lot of work and thought a lot about the question you asked. We come up with the answer that IT is not necessarily simplifying. Even though we now have AI and some of these things, IT is a pretty complex issue. This whole notion of on-prem, hybrid, middleware, integrations – in some capacity, I think it is making it somewhat more complex. The work we’ve done makes us fairly comfortable that there’s a place and a need for these companies.

Remember who CDW serves. These are smaller enterprises and customers that don’t have deep IT departments. They need help in understanding the solutions, pricing them, implementing them, and monitoring them. We don’t think that will go away.

A lot of the value comes from owning that customer relationship, having that trust, being on the approved vendor list. From the perspective of CDW’s vendor partners, you could ask, “Why would Microsoft not just go directly?” The answer is that the customer base is extremely fragmented, and Microsoft doesn’t want to distract itself from its core business. It doesn’t want to be providing support and service to thousands and probably even millions of customers.

We believe the need for VARs is here to stay. That doesn’t mean the VAR business model will be exactly the same 10 years from now, but that’s probably true for every business.

Mihaljevic: Alex, thank you very much for joining us and sharing this investment thesis with the MOI Global community. It’s been truly a pleasure.

Furmanski: Thank you very much, John.

About the instructor:

Alex Furmanski is a partner and investor at Unison Asset Management. He has more than two decades of professional investing experience. Prior to Unison, from 2011-2017, Alex was Managing Partner and Founder at Safe Harbor Investment Partners LLC, a private investment partnership focused on investments in public equities employing the same approach being used at Unison Asset Management. From 2005 – 2011 Alex was Senior Associate at Khronos LLC, a private investment partnership based in New York. From 2003 – 2005 Alex was an Investment Banking Analyst in the Global Healthcare Group at Merrill Lynch.

Alex was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics Cum Laude with a concentration in Finance from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in 2003.

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Keurig Dr Pepper: Misperceptions About Growth of Coffee Business

June 25, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Eric DeLamarter and Brandon Carnovale of Half Moon Capital presented their investment thesis on Keurig Dr Pepper (US: KDP) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

Thesis summary:

Keurig Dr Pepper is a stock that has come under pressure and fallen out of favor due to misperceptions regarding the growth trajectory of its coffee business and recent non-fundamental selling by legacy shareholder Mondalez (which has mostly exited its position).

Meanwhile, (1) KDP’s Dr Pepper brand is gaining market share, demonstrating stronger elasticity than Coke and Pepsi and growing at a double-digit rate; (2) its coffee business is inflecting favorably after a softer Q1, with K-Pod volume likely turning positive by July 2023 and the recent Cold Brewer release a significant opportunity; and (3) KDP’s coffee segment is underearning by ~500 bps, and Eric and Brandon believe consensus estimates are failing to capture the true earning power of the business.  KDP’s Bottling Group, last disclosed in 2008, remains a significant hidden asset as well.

KDP trades at a historically wide and unwarranted discount to peers Coke (US: KO) and Pepsi (US: PEP). A sum-of-the-parts analysis implies that the market is valuing KDP’s Keurig business at 6x EV/ EBIT, akin to a low-quality appliance manufacturer. Eric and Brandon believe there is upside to both revenue and margin expectations over the coming quarters.

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About the instructor:

Eric DeLamarter is the PM of Half Moon Capital— a research intensive, deep value-oriented, long/ short partnership which invests across various sectors and markets with a focus on small-mid cap companies and special situations. Prior to founding Half Moon, Eric was at Stelliam Investment Management, a value-oriented hedge fund in New York, an associate at Lineage Capital, LLC, a middle-market private equity fund and an investment banking analyst at RBC Capital Markets. Eric holds an MBA from The Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing at Columbia Business School, with a concentration in applied value investing and a BA from the University of Michigan.

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Glanbia: Misvalued Power Brands in Structural Growth Industry

June 24, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

John Woodman of Southeastern Asset Management presented his investment thesis on Glanbia (UK: GLB) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

John Woodman joined Southeastern’s London office in 2016 and is a co-portfolio manager of our Longleaf International Fund and our Concentrated European Strategy. He has over 20 years of investment experience and previously held roles as Senior Vice President of the Certification and Business Enhancement division for SGS in New York, Executive Director at Goldman Sachs in the Global Research division in London, and Vice President at Citigroup in London. Mr. Woodman received his bachelor’s degree in Geography and Environmental Science from the University of Oxford.

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Danone: Refocusing on Core Brands, Reinvestment, and Innovation

June 24, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Lauren Templeton of Templeton & Phillips Capital Management presented her thesis on Danone (France: BN) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Lauren C. Templeton is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Templeton & Phillips Capital Management, LLC. In addition to her leadership role at the firm, Ms. Templeton also serves on the Board of Directors for publicly traded corporations including, Fairfax Financial Holdings, Ltd., Fairfax India Holdings, Ltd., and Canadian Solar Inc. Ms. Templeton is active in the non-profit community, serving as Chair for the Board of Trustees of the John Templeton Foundation (Conshohocken, PA). Ms. Templeton also serves as a current member the Templeton World Charities Foundation and a Trustee of Templeton Religion Trust. Lauren also served on the endowment committee of Rotary International from 2010-2016 and the Board of Trustees at the Baylor School and the Bright School (Chattanooga, TN). Ms. Templeton received her B.A. in Economics from Sewanee: The University of the South, and she is the co-author of the international best-seller Investing the Templeton Way (McGraw-Hill, 2008).

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Alphawave: Founder-Led Tech Leader Overcoming Growing Pains

June 24, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Daniel Prather of Crossroads Capital presented his investment thesis on Alphawave IP Group (UK: AWE) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

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About the instructor:

Daniel Prather is a Partner and Director of Research at Crossroads Capital.

Prior to joining Crossroads, Daniel was a Senior Analyst at Brasada Capital Management, where he was a Top 5 Finalist at the Sohn Conference’s Idea Contest in 2021 and a Value Investors Club Idea Contest Winner. Earlier in his career, Daniel was an M&A and Strategy Associate for an offshore drilling company, responsible for deal execution on over $10 billion in M&A transactions, and a publishing Equity Research Analyst at a start-up research firm covering the E&P sector.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Kansas, where he won an international award for jet engine design, and a Master of Science in Finance from Washington University in St. Louis. Daniel is also a CFA charterholder and an Eagle Scout, and is a co-author on a geological research paper published by the Society of Sedimentary Geology.

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TSMC: Scale-Advantaged Technology and Manufacturing Leader

June 24, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Aman Budhwar of PenderFund Capital Management presented his investment thesis on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (US: TSM) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

Thesis summary:

Founded in 1987, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry model and today is the world’s leading and most advanced semiconductor foundry. The company operates numerous cutting-edge fabrication plants in Taiwan as well as advanced packaging facilities around the world and is in the process of investing in fabrication plants in the US and Japan.

TSMC’s innovative technologies and manufacturing prowess have enabled it to forge strategic partnerships with leading semiconductor designers, including major global technology companies. Renowned for its commitment to research and development, TSMC continuously pushes the boundaries of semiconductor technology, offering state-of-the-art processes that enable the production of high-performance, energy efficient chips.

With its strong market position and focus on innovation, TSMC is a key beneficiary of long-term trends driving growth in the semiconductor industry, including 5G, artificial intelligence, and the accelerating digital transformation.

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About the instructor:

Aman Budhwar joined Pender in February 2022 as an Associate Portfolio Manager. He is passionate about capital markets and has over 25 years of experience in the field of global and emerging market equity research, analysis and stock-picking. Prior to joining Pender, Aman held Senior Equity Analyst positions at leading Canadian fund and asset management firms. Prior to that, he began his career as an Investment Correspondent for India’s leading business daily, where he wrote full-page cover pieces that helped establish a loyal readership. He also worked with a domestic stockbroker in Mumbai before immigrating to Canada in 2001.

Throughout his career, Aman has pursued investment opportunities with a long term, differentiated view. He takes a methodical approach to investing and likes to assess both the potential bull and bear cases as well as the probability of each before committing capital to an investment. Over the years, he has developed a process to help identify long term compounders by focusing on key attributes such as a sustainable competitive advantage, high returns on capital, and an attractive free cash flow yield.

Aman holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Garhwal University in India and an MBA from the Institute of Management Technology in India. He earned his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 2004. In his free time, he enjoys an active lifestyle, traveling and spending time with his family.

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Sprouts: Attractive Grocery Business With Friendly Capital Allocation

June 24, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Jim and Abigail Zimmerman of Lowell Capital Management presented their investment thesis on Sprouts Farmers Market (US: SFM) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.

Thesis summary:

Sprouts Farmers Market is a natural, organic grocer trading at a low multiple despite a strong growth and margin profile, a “Ft. Knox” balance sheet, and a plan to profitably grow its store base 10% per year. SFM is a fresh, natural, and organic food market founded in 2002 in Phoenix, Arizona. SFM has a healthy differentiated store concept which operates between a local produce market and healthy grocers like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. SFM has a focus on produce, which comprises 20% of SFM total sales.

SFM recently traded at about 7x LTM adjusted EBITDA and about 13x adjusted EPS for 2023. Jim and Abigail believe SFM can grow sustainably at attractive rates for several years because SFM offers differentiated products in its stores — only 11% of merchandise overlaps with Walmart. CEO Jack Sinclair, joined in 2019 and shifted SFM’s strategy towards offering items that customers could not get in other grocery stores and away from competing on price and reduced reliance on flyers to offer discounts to drive traffic.

SFM has a strong cash-generative business model. SFM can use its strong cash flow to internally fund both growth capital expenditures and significant share repurchases. Also, the “Ft. Knox” balance sheet greatly reduces the risk of an investment.

Jim and Abigail believe SFM could grow its store base by 10% annually with low single digit comp sales over the next several years and repurchase about 5% of diluted shares annually. SFM should be able to drive adjusted EPS growth at a 15% to 20% annual rate over the next several years and achieve adjusted EPS of close to $3.50 per share by 2025 or 2026. Based on a stronger, more reliable earnings trajectory, SFM could trade for 20x adjusted EPS or about $70 per share versus its recent $35 per share price. Further, SFM could represent an attractive purchase to a strategic or financial purchaser.

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About the instructor:

Jim Zimmerman is founder and portfolio manager of Lowell Capital Value Partners, LP, successor fund to Lowell Capital Fund, L.P. Jim managed Lowell Capital Fund L.P. from 2003 to 2015 employing a proprietary strategy laser-focused on smaller and/or misunderstood companies with large, sustainable free cash flow yields and “Ft. Knox” balance sheets. He generated a compound annual return significantly exceeding the HFRI Equity Hedge Index and the S&P 500 Total Return Index over this period, despite holding a significant net cash position (~30%) for most of this period. Jim has over 25 years of investment banking and investment management experience in a variety of industries and has been involved with several billion dollars of investments. Jim graduated with a BA with high honors in economics from Princeton University in 1980 and an MBA from Stanford Business School in 1984. He worked at Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc., 1984 to 1990, serving in the Corporate Finance Department and multiple other investment banks from 1990 to 2003.

Abigail Zimmerman works alongside her father at Lowell Capital. Abigail earned her B.A. in Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and has worked with Jim for the last several years. She assists in the generation of new ideas, administrative duties, research of small and medium cap companies, and detailed due diligence on potential investments.

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FRP Holdings: An In-Depth Look at the Firm’s Aggregate Properties

June 24, 2023 in Audio, Discover Great Ideas Podcast, Equities, Ideas, Member Podcasts, Transcripts, Wide Moat, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023, Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023 Featured

Jonathan Isaac of Quilt Investment Management presented his investment thesis on FRP Holdings, Inc. (US: FRPH) at Wide-Moat Investing Summit 2023.


This presentation on FRP begins with a discussion of the aggregate industry of Florida and Georgia, where FRP holds the majority of its aggregate properties. You will see how the aggregate industry’s supply-side and demand-side characteristics combine to impact the unit economics of an aggregate operation. Then, through the use of satellite imagery and other information, you are led through an analysis of the development potential of a few of FRP’s properties once the aggregates are depleted. After conducting a valuation of FRP’s aggregate properties, we discuss how FRP can potentially reduce the gap between its market price and its true worth.

Note: The valuation multiple discussed for United States Lime & Minerals (ticker symbol “USLM”) in the Question-and-Answer section of the oral/video presentation is based on: the share price on June 22nd, 2023, cash and cash equivalents and shares outstanding as of the most recent quarter end, and FY 2022 lime and limestone operations segment-level OIBDA. If we use trailing 12 months (“TTM”) lime and limestone operations segment-level OIBDA instead, USLM is trading at about 11x OIBDA, also after adjusting for cash and cash equivalents and assuming no value for the non-lime-and-limestone portion of the business. “OIBDA” is, for our purposes, Operating Income plus Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion. After completing the oral/video presentation, we made a few minor edits to the PDF version of the presentation. A few more edits were made for clarity a few days later. Viewers should consult the PDF version available here as the latest version of this presentation. Notes regarding the edits are in the “Sources and Notes” section of the presentation, as “Note #1” and Note #2.”

Disclaimer/Disclosure: Of the securities mentioned in this synopsis and the note, Quilt Investment Management, LLC currently holds FRP Holdings (ticker symbol “FRPH”) and United States Lime & Minerals (ticker symbol “USLM”) in client accounts and may transact in either security, as well as any other security mentioned, without future updates. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Additionally, the information should not be construed as Quilt Investment Management, LLC’s solicitation to effect the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the internet or otherwise. This information is not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice. This is not a research report and/or a recommendation. Investments involve risk and, unless stated otherwise, are not guaranteed. Always be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or a tax professional before investing, and to verify any information deemed to be accurate. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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About the instructor:

Jonathan Isaac is President and Portfolio Manager of Quilt Investment Management, LLC, a registered investment adviser in Portland, Oregon.

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