MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019 brought together a select group of book authors and members of the MOI Global community in the pursuit of worldly wisdom. Members engaged with great authors and gained insight into a wide range of topics on their journey of lifelong learning.

The fully online conference took place in July and August 2019. We are delighted to have had an opportunity to inspire members’ summer reading.

MOI Global members enjoy complimentary and exclusive access.

Jeff Gramm on His Book, Dear Chairman

Jeff Gramm discussed his book, Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Michael Mauboussin on His Book, More Than You Know

Michael Mauboussin discussed his book, More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Mark Ryski on His Book, Conversion

Mark Ryski discussed his book, Conversion: The Last Great Retail Metric, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Mohnish Pabrai on His Book, The Dhandho Investor

Mohnish Pabrai discussed his book, The Dhandho Investor: The Low-Risk Value Method to High Returns, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Francisco Garcia Parames on His Book, Investing for the Long Term

Francisco Garcia Parames discussed his book, Investing for the Long Term, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Sid Mohasseb on His Book, The Caterpillar’s Edge

Sid Mohasseb discussed his book, The Caterpillar’s Edge: Evolve, Evolve Again, and Thrive in Business, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Pat Hedley on Her Book, Meet 100 People

Pat Hedley discussed her book, Meet 100 People: A How-to Guide to the Career and Life Edge Everyone’s Missing, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Carl Richards on His Book, The Behavior Gap

Carl Richards discussed his book, The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Danielle Stein-Fairhurst on Using Excel for Business and Financial Modelling

Danielle Stein-Fairhurst discussed her book, Using Excel for Business and Financial Modelling: A Practical Guide, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019….

Scott Page on His Book, The Model Thinker

Scott Page discussed his book, The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Norb Vonnegut on His Book, The Pell Heist (and the Lessons of Fiction)

Norb Vonnegut discussed The Pell Heist at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019. He made the case for how fiction can help us become better at investing.

Sandra Powers Murphy on Her Book, The Road to AUM

Sandra Powers Murphy discussed her book, The Road to AUM: Driving Assets Under Management through Effective Marketing and Sales, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Rob Galbraith on His Book, The End of Insurance As We Know It

Rob Galbraith discussed his book, The End of Insurance As We Know It, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Roger Montgomery on His Book,

Roger Montgomery discussed his book, How to Value the Best Stocks and Buy Them for Less Than They’re Worth, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Robert Hagstrom on His Book, The Warren Buffett Way

Robert Hagstrom discussed his book, The Warren Buffett Way: 3rd Edition, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Annette Thau on Her Classic, The Bond Book

Annette Thau discussed her book, The Bond Book: Everything Investors Need to Know, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Nick Gogerty on His Book, The Nature of Value

Nick Gogerty discussed his book, The Nature of Value: How to Invest in the Adaptive Economy, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

James Cortada on His Book, IBM

James Cortada discussed his book, IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon (History of Computing), at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Carley Garner on Her Book, Higher Probability Commodity Trading

Carley Garner discussed his book, Higher Probability Commodity Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Commodity Market Analysis, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Erik Kobayashi-Solomon on His Book, The Intelligent Option Investor

Erik Kobayashi-Solomon discussed his book, The Intelligent Option Investor: Applying Value Investing to the World of Options, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Corey Wrenn on His Book, University of Berkshire Hathaway

Corey Wrenn discussed his book, University of Berkshire Hathaway: 30 Years of Lessons Learned from Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Steven Strogatz on His Book, Infinite Powers

Steven Strogatz discussed his book, Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Chris Zook on His Book, The Founder’s Mentality

Chris Zook discussed his book, The Founder’s Mentality: How to Overcome the Predictable Crises of Growth, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Stewart Paterson on His Book, China, Trade and Power

Stewart Paterson discussed his book, China, Trade and Power: Why the West’s Economic Engagement Has Failed, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Jeremy Balkin on His Book, Millennialization of Everything

Jeremy Balkin discussed his book, Millennialization of Everything, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Nathan Mellor on His Book, Sleeping Giants

Nathan Mellor discussed his book, Sleeping Giants: Authentic Stories and Insights for Building a Life That Matters, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Ralph Lehman on His Book, The Elusive Trade

Ralph Lehman discussed his book, The Elusive Trade: How Exchange-traded Funds Conquered Wall Street, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Stanley Lim on His Book, Value Investing in Asia

Stanley Lim discussed his book, Value Investing in Asia: The Definitive Guide to Investing in Asia , at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Kate Welling on Her Book, Merger Masters

Kate Welling discussed her book, Merger Masters: Tales of Arbitrage, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Lauren Templeton on Her Book, Investing the Templeton Way

Lauren Templeton discussed her book, Investing the Templeton Way: The Market-Beating Strategies of Value Investing’s Legendary Bargain Hunter, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Jeremy Miller on His Book, Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules

Jeremy Miller discussed his book, Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules: Words of Wisdom from the Partnership Letters, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Gautam Baid on His Book, The Joys of Compounding

Gautam Baid discussed his book, The Joys of Compounding: The Passionate Pursuit of Lifelong Learning, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Tom Jacobs on Maurece Schiller’s Books on Special Situations

Tom Jacobs discussed Maurece Schiller’s books, including How to Profit from Special Situations in the Stock Market, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Gregory Zuckerman on His Book, The Frackers

Gregory Zuckerman discussed his book, The Frackers: The Outrageous Inside Story of the New Billionaire Wildcatters, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Jeroen Bos on His Book, Deep Value Investing

Jeroen Bos discussed his book, Deep Value Investing: Finding Bargain Shares With Big Potential, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

William Duggan on His Book, The Seventh Sense

William Duggan discussed his book, The Seventh Sense: How Flashes of Insight Change Your Life , at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Aaron Brown on His Book, Red-Blooded Risk

Aaron Brown discussed his book, Red-Blooded Risk: The Secret History of Wall Street, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Tobias Carlisle on His Book, The Acquirer’s Multiple

Tobias Carlisle discussed his book, The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Jacob Taylor on His Book, The Rebel Allocator

Jacob Taylor discussed his book, The Rebel Allocator, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Ronald Chan on His Book, The Value Investors

Ronald Chan discussed his book, The Value Investors: Lessons from the World’s Top Fund Managers, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Jack Schwager on His Book, Market Wizards

Jack Schwager discussed his book, Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Amy Rees Anderson on Her Book, What Awesome Looks Like

Amy Rees Anderson discussed her book, What Awesome Looks Like, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Lars Kroijer on His Book, Investing Demystified

Lars Kroijer discussed his book, Investing Demystified, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Thomas Zweifel on His Book, Strategy-In-Action

Thomas Zweifel discussed his book, Strategy-In-Action, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Tadas Viskanta on His Book, Abnormal Returns

Tadas Viskanta discussed his book, Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Chris Tobe on His Book, Kentucky Fried Pensions

Chris Tobe discussed his book, Kentucky Fried Pensions, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019. Chris is Chief Investment Officer of The Hackett Group.

Levi Tillemann on His Book, The Great Race

Levi Tillemann discussed his book, The Great Race: The Global Quest for the Car of the Future, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019. Levi is a Managing Partner at Valence Strategic.

Bob Swarup on His Book, Money Mania

Bob Swarup discussed his book, Money Mania: A Human History of Financial Speculation, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Christopher Struck on His Book, Kennig and Gold

Christopher Struck discussed his fiction book, Kennig and Gold, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Chris Snook on His Book, Digital Sense

Chris Snook discussed his book, Digital Sense, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Antoine Savine on His Book, Modern Computational Finance

Antoine Savine discussed his book, Modern Computational Finance, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Andrew Romans on His Book, Masters of Corporate Venture Capital

Andrew Romans discussed his book, Masters of Corporate Venture Capital, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

William Pentak on His Book, The Way of the Shepherd

William Pentak discussed his book, The Way of the Shepherd, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Nicolaj Nielsen on His Book, The Startup Funding Book

Nicolaj Nielsen discussed his book, The Startup Funding Book, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Liz Miller on Her Book, Clutter-Free Wealth

Liz Miller discussed her book, Clutter-Free Wealth, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Royce Kurmelovs on His Book, Boom and Bust

Royce Kurmelovs discussed his book, Boom and Bust, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Arie Brish on His Book, Lay an Egg and Make Chicken Soup

Arie Brish discussed his book, Lay an Egg and Make Chicken Soup, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Kip Kolson on His Book, You Can Have It All

Kip Kolson discussed his book, You Can Have It All, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019. Kip is President of Family Wealth Leadership.

David Koenig on His Book, Governance Reimagined

David Koenig discussed his book, Governance Reimagined, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019. David is Founder of (b)right governance consulting.

George Kinder on His Book, A Golden Civilization and The Map of Mindfulness

George Kinder discussed his book, A Golden Civilization and The Map of Mindfulness, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Gina Keating on Her Book, Netflixed

Gina Keating discussed her book, Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America’s Eyeballs, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Meredith Jones on Her Book, Women of The Street

Meredith Jones discussed her book, Women of The Street, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Denise Hearn on Her Book, The Myth of Capitalism

Denise Hearn discussed her book, The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Vitaly Golomb on His Book, Accelerated Startup

Vitaly Golomb discussed his book, Accelerated Startup, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Fred Fuld on His Book, Investment Trivia 2019

Fred Fuld discussed his book, Investment Trivia 2019, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

William Francavilla on His Book, The Madoffs Among Us

William Francavilla discussed his book, The Madoffs Among Us, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Friederike Fabritius on Her Book, The Leading Brain

Friederike Fabritius discussed her book, The Leading Brain, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Cheryl Einhorn on Her Book, Investing in Financial Research

Cheryl Einhorn discussed her book, Investing in Financial Research, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

Coventry Edwards-Pitt on Her Book, Aged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

Coventry Edwards-Pitt discussed her book, Aged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019. Coventry is Partner and Chief Wealth Advisory Officer of Ballentine Partners.

Gui Costin on His Book, Millennials Are Not Aliens

Gui Costin discussed his book, Millennials Are Not Aliens, at MOI Global’s Meet-the-Author Summer Forum 2019.

MOI Global